blob: 4f040c12ba37126eb76cd6f2ee63ffa2151e3bad [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
Threading Building Blocks is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Threading Building Blocks is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
#include "tbb/enumerable_thread_specific.h"
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
#include "tbb/parallel_for.h"
#include "tbb/parallel_reduce.h"
#include "tbb/blocked_range.h"
#include "tbb/tick_count.h"
#include "tbb/tbb_allocator.h"
#include "tbb/tbb_thread.h"
// Suppress "C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled" warning in STL headers
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable: 4530)
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#pragma warning (pop)
#include "harness_assert.h"
#include "harness.h"
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wuninitialized"
static tbb::atomic<int> construction_counter;
static tbb::atomic<int> destruction_counter;
const int REPETITIONS = 10;
const int N = 100000;
const int VALID_NUMBER_OF_KEYS = 100;
const double EXPECTED_SUM = (REPETITIONS + 1) * N;
//! A minimal class that occupies N bytes.
/** Defines default and copy constructor, and allows implicit operator&.
Hides operator=. */
template<size_t N=tbb::internal::NFS_MaxLineSize>
class minimal: NoAssign {
int my_value;
bool is_constructed;
char pad[N-sizeof(int) - sizeof(bool)];
minimal() : NoAssign(), my_value(0) { ++construction_counter; is_constructed = true; }
minimal( const minimal &m ) : NoAssign(), my_value(m.my_value) { ++construction_counter; is_constructed = true; }
~minimal() { ++destruction_counter; ASSERT(is_constructed, NULL); is_constructed = false; }
void set_value( const int i ) { ASSERT(is_constructed, NULL); my_value = i; }
int value( ) const { ASSERT(is_constructed, NULL); return my_value; }
// A helper class that simplifies writing the tests since minimal does not
// define = or + operators.
template< typename T >
struct test_helper {
static inline void init(T &e) { e = static_cast<T>(0); }
static inline void sum(T &e, const int addend ) { e += static_cast<T>(addend); }
static inline void sum(T &e, const double addend ) { e += static_cast<T>(addend); }
static inline void set(T &e, const int value ) { e = static_cast<T>(value); }
static inline double get(const T &e ) { return static_cast<double>(e); }
template<size_t N>
struct test_helper<minimal<N> > {
static inline void init(minimal<N> &sum) { sum.set_value( 0 ); }
static inline void sum(minimal<N> &sum, const int addend ) { sum.set_value( sum.value() + addend); }
static inline void sum(minimal<N> &sum, const double addend ) { sum.set_value( sum.value() + static_cast<int>(addend)); }
static inline void sum(minimal<N> &sum, const minimal<N> &addend ) { sum.set_value( sum.value() + addend.value()); }
static inline void set(minimal<N> &v, const int value ) { v.set_value( static_cast<int>(value) ); }
static inline double get(const minimal<N> &sum ) { return static_cast<double>(sum.value()); }
//// functors and routines for initialization and combine
// Addition
template <typename T>
struct FunctorAddCombineRef {
T operator()(const T& left, const T& right) const {
return left+right;
template <size_t N>
struct FunctorAddCombineRef<minimal<N> > {
minimal<N> operator()(const minimal<N>& left, const minimal<N>& right) const {
minimal<N> result;
result.set_value( left.value() + right.value() );
return result;
template <typename T, int Value>
struct FunctorFinit {
T operator()() { return Value; }
template <size_t N, int Value>
struct FunctorFinit<minimal<N>,Value> {
minimal<N> operator()() {
minimal<N> result;
result.set_value( Value );
return result;
template <typename T>
struct FunctorAddCombine {
T operator()(T left, T right ) const {
return FunctorAddCombineRef<T>()( left, right );
template <typename T>
T my_combine_ref( const T &left, const T &right) {
return FunctorAddCombineRef<T>()( left, right );
template <typename T>
T my_combine( T left, T right) { return my_combine_ref(left,right); }
template <typename T>
class combine_one_helper {
combine_one_helper(T& _result) : my_result(_result) {}
void operator()(const T& new_bit) { test_helper<T>::sum(my_result, new_bit); }
combine_one_helper& operator=(const combine_one_helper& other) {
test_helper<T>::set(my_result, test_helper<T>::get(other));
return *this;
T& my_result;
//// end functors and routines
template< typename T >
void run_serial_scalar_tests(const char *test_name) {
tbb::tick_count t0;
T sum;
REMARK("Testing serial %s... ", test_name);
for (int t = -1; t < REPETITIONS; ++t) {
if (Verbose && t == 0) t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
double result_value = test_helper<T>::get(sum);
ASSERT( EXPECTED_SUM == result_value, NULL);
REMARK("done\nserial %s, 0, %g, %g\n", test_name, result_value, ( tbb::tick_count::now() - t0).seconds());
template <typename T>
class parallel_scalar_body: NoAssign {
tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<T> &sums;
parallel_scalar_body ( tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<T> &_sums ) : sums(_sums) { }
void operator()( const tbb::blocked_range<int> &r ) const {
for (int i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i)
test_helper<T>::sum( sums.local(), 1 );
template< typename T >
void run_parallel_scalar_tests_nocombine(const char *test_name) {
typedef tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<T> ets_type;
// We assume that static_sums zero-initialized or has a default constructor that zeros it.
static ets_type static_sums = ets_type( T() );
T exemplar;
T exemplar23;
for (int p = MinThread; p <= MaxThread; ++p) {
REMARK("Testing parallel %s on %d thread(s)... ", test_name, p);
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(p);
tbb::tick_count t0;
T iterator_sum;
T finit_ets_sum;
T const_iterator_sum;
T range_sum;
T const_range_sum;
T cconst_sum;
T assign_sum;
T cassgn_sum;
T non_cassgn_sum;
T static_sum;
for (int t = -1; t < REPETITIONS; ++t) {
if (Verbose && t == 0) t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
ets_type sums(exemplar);
FunctorFinit<T,0> my_finit;
ets_type finit_ets(my_finit);
ASSERT( sums.empty(), NULL);
tbb::parallel_for( tbb::blocked_range<int>( 0, N, 10000 ), parallel_scalar_body<T>( sums ) );
ASSERT( !sums.empty(), NULL);
ASSERT( finit_ets.empty(), NULL);
tbb::parallel_for( tbb::blocked_range<int>( 0, N, 10000 ), parallel_scalar_body<T>( finit_ets ) );
ASSERT( !finit_ets.empty(), NULL);
ASSERT(static_sums.empty(), NULL);
tbb::parallel_for( tbb::blocked_range<int>( 0, N, 10000 ), parallel_scalar_body<T>( static_sums ) );
ASSERT( !static_sums.empty(), NULL);
// use iterator
typename ets_type::size_type size = 0;
for ( typename ets_type::iterator i = sums.begin(); i != sums.end(); ++i ) {
test_helper<T>::sum(iterator_sum, *i);
ASSERT( sums.size() == size, NULL);
// use const_iterator
for ( typename ets_type::const_iterator i = sums.begin(); i != sums.end(); ++i ) {
test_helper<T>::sum(const_iterator_sum, *i);
// use range_type
typename ets_type::range_type r = sums.range();
for ( typename ets_type::range_type::const_iterator i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i ) {
test_helper<T>::sum(range_sum, *i);
// use const_range_type
typename ets_type::const_range_type cr = sums.range();
for ( typename ets_type::const_range_type::iterator i = cr.begin(); i != cr.end(); ++i ) {
test_helper<T>::sum(const_range_sum, *i);
// test copy constructor, with TLS-cached locals
typedef typename tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<T, tbb::cache_aligned_allocator<T>, tbb::ets_key_per_instance> cached_ets_type;
cached_ets_type cconst(sums);
for ( typename cached_ets_type::const_iterator i = cconst.begin(); i != cconst.end(); ++i ) {
test_helper<T>::sum(cconst_sum, *i);
// test assignment
ets_type assigned;
assigned = sums;
for ( typename ets_type::const_iterator i = assigned.begin(); i != assigned.end(); ++i ) {
test_helper<T>::sum(assign_sum, *i);
// test assign to and from cached locals
cached_ets_type cassgn;
cassgn = sums;
for ( typename cached_ets_type::const_iterator i = cassgn.begin(); i != cassgn.end(); ++i ) {
test_helper<T>::sum(cassgn_sum, *i);
ets_type non_cassgn;
non_cassgn = cassgn;
for ( typename ets_type::const_iterator i = non_cassgn.begin(); i != non_cassgn.end(); ++i ) {
test_helper<T>::sum(non_cassgn_sum, *i);
// test finit-initialized ets
for(typename ets_type::const_iterator i = finit_ets.begin(); i != finit_ets.end(); ++i) {
test_helper<T>::sum(finit_ets_sum, *i);
// test static ets
for(typename ets_type::const_iterator i = static_sums.begin(); i != static_sums.end(); ++i) {
test_helper<T>::sum(static_sum, *i);
ASSERT( EXPECTED_SUM == test_helper<T>::get(iterator_sum), NULL);
ASSERT( EXPECTED_SUM == test_helper<T>::get(const_iterator_sum), NULL);
ASSERT( EXPECTED_SUM == test_helper<T>::get(range_sum), NULL);
ASSERT( EXPECTED_SUM == test_helper<T>::get(const_range_sum), NULL);
ASSERT( EXPECTED_SUM == test_helper<T>::get(cconst_sum), NULL);
ASSERT( EXPECTED_SUM == test_helper<T>::get(assign_sum), NULL);
ASSERT( EXPECTED_SUM == test_helper<T>::get(cassgn_sum), NULL);
ASSERT( EXPECTED_SUM == test_helper<T>::get(non_cassgn_sum), NULL);
ASSERT( EXPECTED_SUM == test_helper<T>::get(finit_ets_sum), NULL);
ASSERT( EXPECTED_SUM == test_helper<T>::get(static_sum), NULL);
REMARK("done\nparallel %s, %d, %g, %g\n", test_name, p, test_helper<T>::get(iterator_sum),
( tbb::tick_count::now() - t0).seconds());
template< typename T >
void run_parallel_scalar_tests(const char *test_name) {
typedef tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<T> ets_type;
// We assume that static_sums zero-initialized or has a default constructor that zeros it.
static ets_type static_sums = ets_type( T() );
T exemplar;
for (int p = MinThread; p <= MaxThread; ++p) {
REMARK("Testing parallel %s on %d thread(s)... ", test_name, p);
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(p);
tbb::tick_count t0;
T combine_sum;
T combine_ref_sum;
T combine_one_sum;
T static_sum;
for (int t = -1; t < REPETITIONS; ++t) {
if (Verbose && t == 0) t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
ets_type sums(exemplar);
ASSERT( sums.empty(), NULL);
tbb::parallel_for( tbb::blocked_range<int>( 0, N, 10000 ), parallel_scalar_body<T>( sums ) );
ASSERT( !sums.empty(), NULL);
ASSERT(static_sums.empty(), NULL);
tbb::parallel_for( tbb::blocked_range<int>( 0, N, 10000 ), parallel_scalar_body<T>( static_sums ) );
ASSERT( !static_sums.empty(), NULL);
// Use combine
test_helper<T>::sum(combine_sum, sums.combine(my_combine<T>));
test_helper<T>::sum(combine_ref_sum, sums.combine(my_combine_ref<T>));
test_helper<T>::sum(static_sum, static_sums.combine(my_combine<T>));
combine_one_helper<T> my_helper(combine_one_sum);
ASSERT( EXPECTED_SUM == test_helper<T>::get(combine_sum), NULL);
ASSERT( EXPECTED_SUM == test_helper<T>::get(combine_ref_sum), NULL);
ASSERT( EXPECTED_SUM == test_helper<T>::get(static_sum), NULL);
REMARK("done\nparallel combine %s, %d, %g, %g\n", test_name, p, test_helper<T>::get(combine_sum),
( tbb::tick_count::now() - t0).seconds());
template <typename T>
class parallel_vector_for_body: NoAssign {
tbb::enumerable_thread_specific< std::vector<T, tbb::tbb_allocator<T> > > &locals;
parallel_vector_for_body ( tbb::enumerable_thread_specific< std::vector<T, tbb::tbb_allocator<T> > > &_locals ) : locals(_locals) { }
void operator()( const tbb::blocked_range<int> &r ) const {
T one;
test_helper<T>::set(one, 1);
for (int i = r.begin(); i < r.end(); ++i) {
locals.local().push_back( one );
template <typename R, typename T>
struct parallel_vector_reduce_body {
T sum;
size_t count;
parallel_vector_reduce_body ( ) : count(0) { test_helper<T>::init(sum); }
parallel_vector_reduce_body ( parallel_vector_reduce_body<R, T> &, tbb::split ) : count(0) { test_helper<T>::init(sum); }
void operator()( const R &r ) {
for (typename R::iterator ri = r.begin(); ri != r.end(); ++ri) {
const std::vector< T, tbb::tbb_allocator<T> > &v = *ri;
for (typename std::vector<T, tbb::tbb_allocator<T> >::const_iterator vi = v.begin(); vi != v.end(); ++vi) {
test_helper<T>::sum(sum, *vi);
void join( const parallel_vector_reduce_body &b ) {
count += b.count;
template< typename T >
void run_parallel_vector_tests(const char *test_name) {
tbb::tick_count t0;
typedef std::vector<T, tbb::tbb_allocator<T> > container_type;
for (int p = MinThread; p <= MaxThread; ++p) {
REMARK("Testing parallel %s on %d thread(s)... ", test_name, p);
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(p);
T sum;
for (int t = -1; t < REPETITIONS; ++t) {
if (Verbose && t == 0) t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
typedef typename tbb::enumerable_thread_specific< container_type > ets_type;
ets_type vs;
ASSERT( vs.empty(), NULL);
tbb::parallel_for ( tbb::blocked_range<int> (0, N, 10000), parallel_vector_for_body<T>( vs ) );
ASSERT( !vs.empty(), NULL);
// copy construct
ets_type vs2(vs); // this causes an assertion failure, related to allocators...
// assign
ets_type vs3;
vs3 = vs;
parallel_vector_reduce_body< typename tbb::enumerable_thread_specific< std::vector< T, tbb::tbb_allocator<T> > >::const_range_type, T > pvrb;
tbb::parallel_reduce ( vs.range(1), pvrb );
test_helper<T>::sum(sum, pvrb.sum);
ASSERT( vs.size() == pvrb.count, NULL);
tbb::flattened2d<ets_type> fvs = flatten2d(vs);
size_t ccount = fvs.size();
size_t elem_cnt = 0;
for(typename tbb::flattened2d<ets_type>::const_iterator i = fvs.begin(); i != fvs.end(); ++i) {
ASSERT(ccount == elem_cnt, NULL);
elem_cnt = 0;
for(typename tbb::flattened2d<ets_type>::iterator i = fvs.begin(); i != fvs.end(); ++i) {
ASSERT(ccount == elem_cnt, NULL);
double result_value = test_helper<T>::get(sum);
ASSERT( EXPECTED_SUM == result_value, NULL);
REMARK("done\nparallel %s, %d, %g, %g\n", test_name, p, result_value, ( tbb::tick_count::now() - t0).seconds());
template<typename T>
void run_cross_type_vector_tests(const char *test_name) {
tbb::tick_count t0;
typedef std::vector<T, tbb::tbb_allocator<T> > container_type;
for (int p = MinThread; p <= MaxThread; ++p) {
REMARK("Testing parallel %s on %d thread(s)... ", test_name, p);
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(p);
T sum;
for (int t = -1; t < REPETITIONS; ++t) {
if (Verbose && t == 0) t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
typedef typename tbb::enumerable_thread_specific< container_type, tbb::cache_aligned_allocator<container_type>, tbb::ets_no_key > ets_nokey_type;
typedef typename tbb::enumerable_thread_specific< container_type, tbb::cache_aligned_allocator<container_type>, tbb::ets_key_per_instance > ets_tlskey_type;
ets_nokey_type vs;
ASSERT( vs.empty(), NULL);
tbb::parallel_for ( tbb::blocked_range<int> (0, N, 10000), parallel_vector_for_body<T>( vs ) );
ASSERT( !vs.empty(), NULL);
// copy construct
ets_tlskey_type vs2(vs);
// assign
ets_nokey_type vs3;
vs3 = vs2;
parallel_vector_reduce_body< typename tbb::enumerable_thread_specific< std::vector< T, tbb::tbb_allocator<T> > >::const_range_type, T > pvrb;
tbb::parallel_reduce ( vs3.range(1), pvrb );
test_helper<T>::sum(sum, pvrb.sum);
ASSERT( vs3.size() == pvrb.count, NULL);
tbb::flattened2d<ets_nokey_type> fvs = flatten2d(vs3);
size_t ccount = fvs.size();
size_t elem_cnt = 0;
for(typename tbb::flattened2d<ets_nokey_type>::const_iterator i = fvs.begin(); i != fvs.end(); ++i) {
ASSERT(ccount == elem_cnt, NULL);
elem_cnt = 0;
for(typename tbb::flattened2d<ets_nokey_type>::iterator i = fvs.begin(); i != fvs.end(); ++i) {
ASSERT(ccount == elem_cnt, NULL);
double result_value = test_helper<T>::get(sum);
ASSERT( EXPECTED_SUM == result_value, NULL);
REMARK("done\nparallel %s, %d, %g, %g\n", test_name, p, result_value, ( tbb::tick_count::now() - t0).seconds());
template< typename T >
void run_serial_vector_tests(const char *test_name) {
tbb::tick_count t0;
T sum;
T one;
test_helper<T>::set(one, 1);
REMARK("Testing serial %s... ", test_name);
for (int t = -1; t < REPETITIONS; ++t) {
if (Verbose && t == 0) t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
std::vector<T, tbb::tbb_allocator<T> > v;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
v.push_back( one );
for (typename std::vector<T, tbb::tbb_allocator<T> >::const_iterator i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i)
test_helper<T>::sum(sum, *i);
double result_value = test_helper<T>::get(sum);
ASSERT( EXPECTED_SUM == result_value, NULL);
REMARK("done\nserial %s, 0, %g, %g\n", test_name, result_value, ( tbb::tick_count::now() - t0).seconds());
const size_t line_size = tbb::internal::NFS_MaxLineSize;
run_serial_tests() {
run_serial_scalar_tests<minimal<> >("minimal<>");
run_serial_vector_tests<int>("std::vector<int, tbb::tbb_allocator<int> >");
run_serial_vector_tests<double>("std::vector<double, tbb::tbb_allocator<double> >");
run_parallel_tests() {
run_parallel_scalar_tests_nocombine<minimal<> >("minimal<>");
run_parallel_vector_tests<int>("std::vector<int, tbb::tbb_allocator<int> >");
run_parallel_vector_tests<double>("std::vector<double, tbb::tbb_allocator<double> >");
run_cross_type_tests() {
// cross-type scalar tests are part of run_serial_scalar_tests
run_cross_type_vector_tests<int>("std::vector<int, tbb::tbb_allocator<int> >");
run_parallel_vector_tests<double>("std::vector<double, tbb::tbb_allocator<double> >");
typedef tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<minimal<line_size> > flogged_ets;
class set_body {
flogged_ets *a;
set_body( flogged_ets*_a ) : a(_a) { }
void operator() ( ) const {
for (int i = 0; i < VALID_NUMBER_OF_KEYS; ++i) {
a[i].local().set_value(i + 1);
void do_tbb_threads( int max_threads, flogged_ets a[] ) {
std::vector< tbb::tbb_thread * > threads;
for (int p = 0; p < max_threads; ++p) {
threads.push_back( new tbb::tbb_thread ( set_body( a ) ) );
for (int p = 0; p < max_threads; ++p) {
for(int p = 0; p < max_threads; ++p) {
delete threads[p];
flog_key_creation_and_deletion() {
const int FLOG_REPETITIONS = 100;
for (int p = MinThread; p <= MaxThread; ++p) {
REMARK("Testing repeated deletes on %d threads... ", p);
for (int j = 0; j < FLOG_REPETITIONS; ++j) {
construction_counter = 0;
destruction_counter = 0;
// causes VALID_NUMER_OF_KEYS exemplar instances to be constructed
flogged_ets* a = new flogged_ets[VALID_NUMBER_OF_KEYS];
ASSERT(int(construction_counter) == 0, NULL); // no exemplars or actual locals have been constructed
ASSERT(int(destruction_counter) == 0, NULL); // and none have been destroyed
// causes p * VALID_NUMBER_OF_KEYS minimals to be created
do_tbb_threads(p, a);
for (int i = 0; i < VALID_NUMBER_OF_KEYS; ++i) {
int pcnt = 0;
for ( flogged_ets::iterator tli = a[i].begin(); tli != a[i].end(); ++tli ) {
ASSERT( (*tli).value() == i+1, NULL );
ASSERT( pcnt == p, NULL); // should be one local per thread.
delete[] a;
ASSERT( int(construction_counter) == (p)*VALID_NUMBER_OF_KEYS, NULL );
ASSERT( int(destruction_counter) == (p)*VALID_NUMBER_OF_KEYS, NULL );
REMARK("done\nTesting repeated clears on %d threads... ", p);
construction_counter = 0;
destruction_counter = 0;
// causes VALID_NUMER_OF_KEYS exemplar instances to be constructed
flogged_ets* a = new flogged_ets[VALID_NUMBER_OF_KEYS];
for (int j = 0; j < FLOG_REPETITIONS; ++j) {
// causes p * VALID_NUMBER_OF_KEYS minimals to be created
do_tbb_threads(p, a);
for (int i = 0; i < VALID_NUMBER_OF_KEYS; ++i) {
for ( flogged_ets::iterator tli = a[i].begin(); tli != a[i].end(); ++tli ) {
ASSERT( (*tli).value() == i+1, NULL );
ASSERT( static_cast<int>(a[i].end() - a[i].begin()) == 0, NULL );
delete[] a;
ASSERT( int(construction_counter) == (FLOG_REPETITIONS*p)*VALID_NUMBER_OF_KEYS, NULL );
ASSERT( int(destruction_counter) == (FLOG_REPETITIONS*p)*VALID_NUMBER_OF_KEYS, NULL );
template <typename inner_container>
flog_segmented_interator() {
bool found_error = false;
typedef typename inner_container::value_type T;
typedef std::vector< inner_container > nested_vec;
inner_container my_inner_container;
nested_vec my_vec;
// simple nested vector (neither level empty)
const int maxval = 10;
for(int i=0; i < maxval; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < maxval; j++) { * i + j));
tbb::internal::segmented_iterator<nested_vec, T> my_si(my_vec);
T ii;
for(my_si=my_vec.begin(), ii=0; my_si != my_vec.end(); ++my_si, ++ii) {
if((*my_si) != ii) {
found_error = true;
REMARK( "*my_si=%d\n", int(*my_si));
// outer level empty
for(my_si=my_vec.begin(); my_si != my_vec.end(); ++my_si) {
found_error = true;
// inner levels empty
for(int i =0; i < maxval; ++i) {
for(my_si = my_vec.begin(); my_si != my_vec.end(); ++my_si) {
found_error = true;
// every other inner container is empty
for(int i=0; i < maxval; ++i) {
if(i%2) {
for(int j = 0; j < maxval; ++j) { * (i/2) + j));
for(my_si = my_vec.begin(), ii=0; my_si != my_vec.end(); ++my_si, ++ii) {
if((*my_si) != ii) {
found_error = true;
REMARK("*my_si=%d, ii=%d\n", (int)(*my_si), (int)ii);
tbb::internal::segmented_iterator<nested_vec, const T> my_csi(my_vec);
for(my_csi=my_vec.begin(), ii=0; my_csi != my_vec.end(); ++my_csi, ++ii) {
if((*my_csi) != ii) {
found_error = true;
REMARK( "*my_csi=%d\n", int(*my_csi));
// outer level empty
for(my_csi=my_vec.begin(); my_csi != my_vec.end(); ++my_csi) {
found_error = true;
// inner levels empty
for(int i =0; i < maxval; ++i) {
for(my_csi = my_vec.begin(); my_csi != my_vec.end(); ++my_csi) {
found_error = true;
// every other inner container is empty
for(int i=0; i < maxval; ++i) {
if(i%2) {
for(int j = 0; j < maxval; ++j) { * (i/2) + j));
for(my_csi = my_vec.begin(), ii=0; my_csi != my_vec.end(); ++my_csi, ++ii) {
if((*my_csi) != ii) {
found_error = true;
REMARK("*my_csi=%d, ii=%d\n", (int)(*my_csi), (int)ii);
if(found_error) REPORT("segmented_iterator failed\n");
template <typename Key, typename Val>
flog_segmented_iterator_map() {
typedef typename std::map<Key, Val> my_map;
typedef std::vector< my_map > nested_vec;
my_map my_inner_container;
nested_vec my_vec;
bool found_error = false;
// simple nested vector (neither level empty)
const int maxval = 4;
for(int i=0; i < maxval; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < maxval; j++) {<Key,Val>(maxval * i + j, 2*(maxval*i + j)));
tbb::internal::segmented_iterator<nested_vec, std::pair<const Key, Val> > my_si(my_vec);
Key ii;
for(my_si=my_vec.begin(), ii=0; my_si != my_vec.end(); ++my_si, ++ii) {
if(((*my_si).first != ii) || ((*my_si).second != 2*ii)) {
found_error = true;
REMARK( "ii=%d, (*my_si).first=%d, second=%d\n",ii, int((*my_si).first), int((*my_si).second));
tbb::internal::segmented_iterator<nested_vec, const std::pair<const Key, Val> > my_csi(my_vec);
for(my_csi=my_vec.begin(), ii=0; my_csi != my_vec.end(); ++my_csi, ++ii) {
if(((*my_csi).first != ii) || ((*my_csi).second != 2*ii)) {
found_error = true;
REMARK( "ii=%d, (*my_csi).first=%d, second=%d\n",ii, int((*my_csi).first), int((*my_csi).second));
run_segmented_iterator_tests() {
// only the following containers can be used with the segmented iterator.
REMARK("Running Segmented Iterator Tests\n");
flog_segmented_interator<std::vector< int > >();
flog_segmented_interator<std::vector< double > >();
flog_segmented_interator<std::deque< int > >();
flog_segmented_interator<std::deque< double > >();
flog_segmented_interator<std::list< int > >();
flog_segmented_interator<std::list< double > >();
flog_segmented_iterator_map<int, int>();
flog_segmented_iterator_map<int, double>();
template <typename T>
run_assign_and_copy_constructor_test(const char *test_name) {
REMARK("Testing assignment and copy construction for %s\n", test_name);
// test initializer with exemplar
T initializer0;
T initializer7;
tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<T> create1(initializer7);
(void) create1.local(); // create an initialized value
ASSERT(7 == test_helper<T>::get(create1.local()), NULL);
// test copy construction with exemplar initializer
tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<T> copy1(create1);
(void) copy1.local();
ASSERT(7 == test_helper<T>::get(copy1.local()), NULL);
// test copy assignment with exemplar initializer
tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<T> assign1(initializer0);
assign1 = create1;
(void) assign1.local();
ASSERT(7 == test_helper<T>::get(assign1.local()), NULL);
// test creation with finit function
FunctorFinit<T,7> my_finit7;
tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<T> create2(my_finit7);
(void) create2.local();
ASSERT(7 == test_helper<T>::get(create2.local()), NULL);
// test copy construction with function initializer
tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<T> copy2(create2);
(void) copy2.local();
ASSERT(7 == test_helper<T>::get(copy2.local()), NULL);
// test copy assignment with function initializer
FunctorFinit<T,0> my_finit;
tbb::enumerable_thread_specific<T> assign2(my_finit);
assign2 = create2;
(void) assign2.local();
ASSERT(7 == test_helper<T>::get(assign2.local()), NULL);
run_assignment_and_copy_constructor_tests() {
REMARK("Running assignment and copy constructor tests\n");
// Try class sizes that are close to a cache line in size, in order to check padding calculations.
run_assign_and_copy_constructor_test<minimal<line_size-1> >("minimal<line_size-1>");
run_assign_and_copy_constructor_test<minimal<line_size> >("minimal<line_size>");
run_assign_and_copy_constructor_test<minimal<line_size+1> >("minimal<line_size+1>");
int TestMain () {
if (MinThread == 0) {
MinThread = 1;
if (MaxThread > 0) {
return Harness::Done;