blob: c4c4458ae4bdb99846d5cb446c92db20d1b29e1d [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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#include "harness.h"
#include "../tbb/intrusive_list.h"
using tbb::internal::intrusive_list_node;
// Machine word filled with repeated pattern of FC bits
const uintptr_t NoliMeTangere = ~uintptr_t(0)/0xFF*0xFC;
struct VerificationBase : Harness::NoAfterlife {
uintptr_t m_Canary;
VerificationBase () : m_Canary(NoliMeTangere) {}
struct DataItemWithInheritedNodeBase : intrusive_list_node {
int m_Data;
DataItemWithInheritedNodeBase ( int value ) : m_Data(value) {}
int Data() const { return m_Data; }
class DataItemWithInheritedNode : public VerificationBase, public DataItemWithInheritedNodeBase {
friend class tbb::internal::intrusive_list<DataItemWithInheritedNode>;
DataItemWithInheritedNode ( int value ) : DataItemWithInheritedNodeBase(value) {}
struct DataItemWithMemberNodeBase {
int m_Data;
// Cannot be used by member_intrusive_list to form lists of objects derived from DataItemBase
intrusive_list_node m_BaseNode;
DataItemWithMemberNodeBase ( int value ) : m_Data(value) {}
int Data() const { return m_Data; }
class DataItemWithMemberNodes : public VerificationBase, public DataItemWithMemberNodeBase {
intrusive_list_node m_Node;
DataItemWithMemberNodes ( int value ) : DataItemWithMemberNodeBase(value) {}
typedef tbb::internal::intrusive_list<DataItemWithInheritedNode> IntrusiveList1;
typedef tbb::internal::memptr_intrusive_list<DataItemWithMemberNodes,
DataItemWithMemberNodeBase, &DataItemWithMemberNodeBase::m_BaseNode> IntrusiveList2;
typedef tbb::internal::memptr_intrusive_list<DataItemWithMemberNodes,
DataItemWithMemberNodes, &DataItemWithMemberNodes::m_Node> IntrusiveList3;
const int NumElements = 256 * 1024;
//! Iterates through the list forward and backward checking the validity of values stored by the list nodes
template<class List, class Iterator>
void CheckListNodes ( List& il, int valueStep ) {
int i;
Iterator it = il.begin();
for ( i = valueStep - 1; it != il.end(); ++it, i += valueStep ) {
ASSERT( it->Data() == i, "Unexpected node value while iterating forward" );
ASSERT( (*it).m_Canary == NoliMeTangere, "Memory corruption" );
ASSERT( i == NumElements + valueStep - 1, "Wrong number of list elements while iterating forward" );
it = il.end();
for ( i = NumElements - 1, it--; it != il.end(); --it, i -= valueStep ) {
ASSERT( (*it).Data() == i, "Unexpected node value while iterating backward" );
ASSERT( it->m_Canary == NoliMeTangere, "Memory corruption" );
ASSERT( i == -1, "Wrong number of list elements while iterating backward" );
template<class List, class Item>
void TestListOperations () {
typedef typename List::iterator iterator;
List il;
for ( int i = NumElements - 1; i >= 0; --i )
il.push_front( *new Item(i) );
CheckListNodes<const List, typename List::const_iterator>( il, 1 );
iterator it = il.begin();
for ( ; it != il.end(); ++it ) {
Item &item = *it;
it = il.erase( it );
delete &item;
CheckListNodes<List, iterator>( il, 2 );
for ( it = il.begin(); it != il.end(); ++it ) {
Item &item = *it;
il.remove( *it++ );
delete &item;
CheckListNodes<List, iterator>( il, 4 );
#include "harness_bad_expr.h"
template<class List, class Item>
void TestListAssertions () {
tbb::set_assertion_handler( AssertionFailureHandler );
List il1, il2;
Item n1(1), n2(2), n3(3);
TRY_BAD_EXPR( il2.push_front(n1), "only one intrusive list" );
TRY_BAD_EXPR( il1.push_front(n1), "only one intrusive list" );
TRY_BAD_EXPR( il1.remove(n3), "not in the list" );
tbb::set_assertion_handler( NULL );
#endif /* __TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */
int TestMain () {
TestListOperations<IntrusiveList1, DataItemWithInheritedNode>();
TestListOperations<IntrusiveList2, DataItemWithMemberNodes>();
TestListOperations<IntrusiveList3, DataItemWithMemberNodes>();
TestListAssertions<IntrusiveList1, DataItemWithInheritedNode>();
TestListAssertions<IntrusiveList2, DataItemWithMemberNodes>();
TestListAssertions<IntrusiveList3, DataItemWithMemberNodes>();
return Harness::Done;
return Harness::Skipped;
#endif /* __TBB_ARENA_PER_MASTER */