blob: 0e0ecb267f4c44f72951d4beed91f25588640526 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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// Test TBB mutexes when used with parallel_for.h
// Usage: test_Mutex.exe [-v] nthread
// The -v option causes timing information to be printed.
// Compile with _OPENMP and -openmp
#include "tbb/spin_mutex.h"
#include "tbb/critical_section.h"
#include "tbb/spin_rw_mutex.h"
#include "tbb/queuing_rw_mutex.h"
#include "tbb/queuing_mutex.h"
#include "tbb/mutex.h"
#include "tbb/recursive_mutex.h"
#include "tbb/null_mutex.h"
#include "tbb/null_rw_mutex.h"
#include "tbb/parallel_for.h"
#include "tbb/blocked_range.h"
#include "tbb/tick_count.h"
#include "tbb/atomic.h"
#include "harness.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include "test/OpenMP_Mutex.h"
#endif /* _OPENMP */
#include "tbb/tbb_profiling.h"
// This test deliberately avoids a "using tbb" statement,
// so that the error of putting types in the wrong namespace will be caught.
template<typename M>
struct Counter {
typedef M mutex_type;
M mutex;
volatile long value;
//! Function object for use with parallel_for.h.
template<typename C>
struct AddOne: NoAssign {
C& counter;
/** Increments counter once for each iteration in the iteration space. */
void operator()( tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range ) const {
for( size_t i=range.begin(); i!=range.end(); ++i ) {
if( i&1 ) {
// Try implicit acquire and explicit release
typename C::mutex_type::scoped_lock lock(counter.mutex);
counter.value = counter.value+1;
} else {
// Try explicit acquire and implicit release
typename C::mutex_type::scoped_lock lock;
counter.value = counter.value+1;
AddOne( C& counter_ ) : counter(counter_) {}
//! Adaptor for using ISO C++0x style mutex as a TBB-style mutex.
template<typename M>
class TBB_MutexFromISO_Mutex {
M my_iso_mutex;
typedef TBB_MutexFromISO_Mutex mutex_type;
class scoped_lock;
friend class scoped_lock;
class scoped_lock {
mutex_type* my_mutex;
scoped_lock() : my_mutex(NULL) {}
scoped_lock( mutex_type& m ) : my_mutex(NULL) {
scoped_lock( mutex_type& m, bool is_writer ) : my_mutex(NULL) {
void acquire( mutex_type& m ) {
my_mutex = &m;
bool try_acquire( mutex_type& m ) {
if( m.my_iso_mutex.try_lock() ) {
my_mutex = &m;
return true;
} else {
return false;
void release() {
my_mutex = NULL;
// Methods for reader-writer mutex
// These methods can be instantiated only if M supports lock_read() and try_lock_read().
void acquire( mutex_type& m, bool is_writer ) {
if( is_writer ) m.my_iso_mutex.lock();
else m.my_iso_mutex.lock_read();
my_mutex = &m;
bool try_acquire( mutex_type& m, bool is_writer ) {
if( is_writer ? m.my_iso_mutex.try_lock() : m.my_iso_mutex.try_lock_read() ) {
my_mutex = &m;
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool upgrade_to_writer() {
return false;
bool downgrade_to_reader() {
return false;
~scoped_lock() {
if( my_mutex )
static const bool is_recursive_mutex = M::is_recursive_mutex;
static const bool is_rw_mutex = M::is_rw_mutex;
namespace tbb {
namespace profiling {
template<typename M>
void set_name( const TBB_MutexFromISO_Mutex<M>&, const char* ) {}
//! Generic test of a TBB mutex type M.
/** Does not test features specific to reader-writer locks. */
template<typename M>
void Test( const char * name ) {
REMARK("%s time = ",name);
Counter<M> counter;
counter.value = 0;
tbb::profiling::set_name(counter.mutex, name);
const int n = 10000;
const int n = 100000;
tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0,n,n/10),AddOne<Counter<M> >(counter));
tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
REMARK("%g usec\n",(t1-t0).seconds());
if( counter.value!=n )
REPORT("ERROR for %s: counter.value=%ld\n",name,counter.value);
template<typename M, size_t N>
struct Invariant {
typedef M mutex_type;
M mutex;
const char* mutex_name;
volatile long value[N];
volatile long single_value;
Invariant( const char* mutex_name_ ) :
single_value = 0;
for( size_t k=0; k<N; ++k )
value[k] = 0;
tbb::profiling::set_name(mutex, mutex_name_);
void update() {
for( size_t k=0; k<N; ++k )
bool value_is( long expected_value ) const {
long tmp;
for( size_t k=0; k<N; ++k )
if( (tmp=value[k])!=expected_value ) {
REPORT("ERROR: %ld!=%ld\n", tmp, expected_value);
return false;
return true;
bool is_okay() {
return value_is( value[0] );
//! Function object for use with parallel_for.h.
template<typename I>
struct TwiddleInvariant: NoAssign {
I& invariant;
/** Increments counter once for each iteration in the iteration space. */
void operator()( tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range ) const {
for( size_t i=range.begin(); i!=range.end(); ++i ) {
//! Every 8th access is a write access
bool write = (i%8)==7;
bool okay = true;
bool lock_kept = true;
if( (i/8)&1 ) {
// Try implicit acquire and explicit release
typename I::mutex_type::scoped_lock lock(invariant.mutex,write);
if( write ) {
long my_value = invariant.value[0];
if( i%16==7 ) {
lock_kept = lock.downgrade_to_reader();
if( !lock_kept )
my_value = invariant.value[0] - 1;
okay = invariant.value_is(my_value+1);
} else {
okay = invariant.is_okay();
if( i%8==3 ) {
long my_value = invariant.value[0];
lock_kept = lock.upgrade_to_writer();
if( !lock_kept )
my_value = invariant.value[0];
okay = invariant.value_is(my_value+1);
} else {
// Try explicit acquire and implicit release
typename I::mutex_type::scoped_lock lock;
if( write ) {
long my_value = invariant.value[0];
if( i%16==7 ) {
lock_kept = lock.downgrade_to_reader();
if( !lock_kept )
my_value = invariant.value[0] - 1;
okay = invariant.value_is(my_value+1);
} else {
okay = invariant.is_okay();
if( i%8==3 ) {
long my_value = invariant.value[0];
lock_kept = lock.upgrade_to_writer();
if( !lock_kept )
my_value = invariant.value[0];
okay = invariant.value_is(my_value+1);
if( !okay ) {
REPORT( "ERROR for %s at %ld: %s %s %s %s\n",invariant.mutex_name, long(i),
write?"write,":"read,", write?(i%16==7?"downgrade,":""):(i%8==3?"upgrade,":""),
lock_kept?"lock kept,":"lock not kept,", (i/8)&1?"imp/exp":"exp/imp" );
TwiddleInvariant( I& invariant_ ) : invariant(invariant_) {}
/** This test is generic so that we can test any other kinds of ReaderWriter locks we write later. */
template<typename M>
void TestReaderWriterLock( const char * mutex_name ) {
REMARK( "%s readers & writers time = ", mutex_name );
Invariant<M,8> invariant(mutex_name);
const size_t n = 10000;
const size_t n = 500000;
tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0,n,n/100),TwiddleInvariant<Invariant<M,8> >(invariant));
tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
// There is either a writer or a reader upgraded to a writer for each 4th iteration
long expected_value = n/4;
if( !invariant.value_is(expected_value) )
REPORT("ERROR for %s: final invariant value is wrong\n",mutex_name);
REMARK( "%g usec\n", (t1-t0).seconds() );
#if _MSC_VER && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
// Suppress "conditional expression is constant" warning.
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable: 4127 )
/** Test try_acquire_reader functionality of a non-reenterable reader-writer mutex */
template<typename M>
void TestTryAcquireReader_OneThread( const char * mutex_name ) {
M tested_mutex;
typename M::scoped_lock lock1;
if( M::is_rw_mutex ) {
if( lock1.try_acquire(tested_mutex, false) )
REPORT("ERROR for %s: try_acquire failed though it should not\n", mutex_name);
typename M::scoped_lock lock2(tested_mutex, false);
if( lock1.try_acquire(tested_mutex) )
REPORT("ERROR for %s: try_acquire succeeded though it should not\n", mutex_name);
lock2.acquire(tested_mutex, true);
if( lock1.try_acquire(tested_mutex, false) )
REPORT("ERROR for %s: try_acquire succeeded though it should not\n", mutex_name);
if( lock1.try_acquire(tested_mutex, false) )
REPORT("ERROR for %s: try_acquire failed though it should not\n", mutex_name);
/** Test try_acquire functionality of a non-reenterable mutex */
template<typename M>
void TestTryAcquire_OneThread( const char * mutex_name ) {
M tested_mutex;
typename M::scoped_lock lock1;
if( lock1.try_acquire(tested_mutex) )
REPORT("ERROR for %s: try_acquire failed though it should not\n", mutex_name);
if( M::is_recursive_mutex ) {
typename M::scoped_lock lock2(tested_mutex);
if( lock1.try_acquire(tested_mutex) )
REPORT("ERROR for %s: try_acquire on recursive lock failed though it should not\n", mutex_name);
//windows.. -- both are recursive
} else {
typename M::scoped_lock lock2(tested_mutex);
if( lock1.try_acquire(tested_mutex) )
REPORT("ERROR for %s: try_acquire succeeded though it should not\n", mutex_name);
if( lock1.try_acquire(tested_mutex) )
REPORT("ERROR for %s: try_acquire failed though it should not\n", mutex_name);
#if _MSC_VER && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
#pragma warning( pop )
const int RecurN = 4;
int RecurArray[ RecurN ];
tbb::recursive_mutex RecurMutex[ RecurN ];
struct RecursiveAcquisition {
/** x = number being decoded in base N
max_lock = index of highest lock acquired so far
mask = bit mask; ith bit set if lock i has been acquired. */
void Body( size_t x, int max_lock=-1, unsigned int mask=0 ) const
int i = (int) (x % RecurN);
bool first = (mask&1U<<i)==0;
if( first ) {
// first time to acquire lock
if( i<max_lock )
// out of order acquisition might lead to deadlock, so stop
max_lock = i;
if( (i&1)!=0 ) {
// acquire lock on location RecurArray[i] using explict acquire
tbb::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock r_lock;
r_lock.acquire( RecurMutex[i] );
int a = RecurArray[i];
ASSERT( (a==0)==first, "should be either a==0 if it is the first time to acquire the lock or a!=0 otherwise" );
if( x )
Body( x/RecurN, max_lock, mask|1U<<i );
ASSERT( a==RecurArray[i], "a is not equal to RecurArray[i]" );
// release lock on location RecurArray[i] using explicit release; otherwise, use implicit one
if( (i&2)!=0 ) r_lock.release();
} else {
// acquire lock on location RecurArray[i] using implicit acquire
tbb::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock r_lock( RecurMutex[i] );
int a = RecurArray[i];
ASSERT( (a==0)==first, "should be either a==0 if it is the first time to acquire the lock or a!=0 otherwise" );
if( x )
Body( x/RecurN, max_lock, mask|1U<<i );
ASSERT( a==RecurArray[i], "a is not equal to RecurArray[i]" );
// release lock on location RecurArray[i] using explicit release; otherwise, use implicit one
if( (i&2)!=0 ) r_lock.release();
void operator()( const tbb::blocked_range<size_t> &r ) const
for( size_t x=r.begin(); x<r.end(); x++ ) {
Body( x );
/** This test is generic so that we may test other kinds of recursive mutexes.*/
template<typename M>
void TestRecursiveMutex( const char * mutex_name )
for ( int i = 0; i < RecurN; ++i ) {
tbb::profiling::set_name(RecurMutex[i], mutex_name);
tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0,10000,500), RecursiveAcquisition());
tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
REMARK( "%s recursive mutex time = %g usec\n", mutex_name, (t1-t0).seconds() );
template<typename C>
struct NullRecursive: NoAssign {
void recurse_till( size_t i, size_t till ) const {
if( i==till ) {
counter.value = counter.value+1;
if( i&1 ) {
typename C::mutex_type::scoped_lock lock2(counter.mutex);
recurse_till( i+1, till );
} else {
typename C::mutex_type::scoped_lock lock2;
recurse_till( i+1, till );
void operator()( tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range ) const {
typename C::mutex_type::scoped_lock lock(counter.mutex);
recurse_till( range.begin(), range.end() );
NullRecursive( C& counter_ ) : counter(counter_) {
ASSERT( C::mutex_type::is_recursive_mutex, "Null mutex should be a recursive mutex." );
C& counter;
template<typename M>
struct NullUpgradeDowngrade: NoAssign {
void operator()( tbb::blocked_range<size_t>& range ) const {
typename M::scoped_lock lock2;
for( size_t i=range.begin(); i!=range.end(); ++i ) {
if( i&1 ) {
typename M::scoped_lock lock1(my_mutex, true) ;
if( lock1.downgrade_to_reader()==false )
REPORT("ERROR for %s: downgrade should always succeed\n", name);
} else {
lock2.acquire( my_mutex, false );
if( lock2.upgrade_to_writer()==false )
REPORT("ERROR for %s: upgrade should always succeed\n", name);
NullUpgradeDowngrade( M& m_, const char* n_ ) : my_mutex(m_), name(n_) {}
M& my_mutex;
const char* name;
} ;
template<typename M>
void TestNullMutex( const char * name ) {
Counter<M> counter;
counter.value = 0;
const int n = 100;
REMARK("%s ",name);
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0,n,10),AddOne<Counter<M> >(counter));
counter.value = 0;
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0,n,10),NullRecursive<Counter<M> >(counter));
template<typename M>
void TestNullRWMutex( const char * name ) {
REMARK("%s ",name);
const int n = 100;
M m;
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0,n,10),NullUpgradeDowngrade<M>(m, name));
//! Test ISO C++0x compatibility portion of TBB mutex
template<typename M>
void TestISO( const char * name ) {
typedef TBB_MutexFromISO_Mutex<M> tbb_from_iso;
Test<tbb_from_iso>( name );
//! Test ISO C++0x try_lock functionality of a non-reenterable mutex */
template<typename M>
void TestTryAcquire_OneThreadISO( const char * name ) {
typedef TBB_MutexFromISO_Mutex<M> tbb_from_iso;
TestTryAcquire_OneThread<tbb_from_iso>( name );
//! Test ISO-like C++0x compatibility portion of TBB reader-writer mutex
template<typename M>
void TestReaderWriterLockISO( const char * name ) {
typedef TBB_MutexFromISO_Mutex<M> tbb_from_iso;
TestReaderWriterLock<tbb_from_iso>( name );
TestTryAcquireReader_OneThread<tbb_from_iso>( name );
//! Test ISO C++0x compatibility portion of TBB recursive mutex
template<typename M>
void TestRecursiveMutexISO( const char * name ) {
typedef TBB_MutexFromISO_Mutex<M> tbb_from_iso;
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
int TestMain () {
for( int p=MinThread; p<=MaxThread; ++p ) {
tbb::task_scheduler_init init( p );
REMARK( "testing with %d workers\n", static_cast<int>(p) );
// The amount of work is decreased in this mode to bring the length
// of the runs under tools into the tolerable limits.
const int n = 1;
const int n = 3;
// Run each test several times.
for( int i=0; i<n; ++i ) {
TestNullMutex<tbb::null_mutex>( "Null Mutex" );
TestNullMutex<tbb::null_rw_mutex>( "Null RW Mutex" );
TestNullRWMutex<tbb::null_rw_mutex>( "Null RW Mutex" );
Test<tbb::spin_mutex>( "Spin Mutex" );
Test<OpenMP_Mutex>( "OpenMP_Mutex" );
#endif /* _OPENMP */
Test<tbb::queuing_mutex>( "Queuing Mutex" );
Test<tbb::mutex>( "Wrapper Mutex" );
Test<tbb::recursive_mutex>( "Recursive Mutex" );
Test<tbb::queuing_rw_mutex>( "Queuing RW Mutex" );
Test<tbb::spin_rw_mutex>( "Spin RW Mutex" );
TestTryAcquire_OneThread<tbb::spin_mutex>("Spin Mutex");
TestTryAcquire_OneThread<tbb::queuing_mutex>("Queuing Mutex");
// under ifdef because on Windows tbb::mutex is reenterable and the test will fail
TestTryAcquire_OneThread<tbb::mutex>("Wrapper Mutex");
#endif /* USE_PTHREAD */
TestTryAcquire_OneThread<tbb::recursive_mutex>( "Recursive Mutex" );
TestTryAcquire_OneThread<tbb::spin_rw_mutex>("Spin RW Mutex"); // only tests try_acquire for writers
TestTryAcquire_OneThread<tbb::queuing_rw_mutex>("Queuing RW Mutex"); // only tests try_acquire for writers
TestTryAcquireReader_OneThread<tbb::spin_rw_mutex>("Spin RW Mutex");
TestTryAcquireReader_OneThread<tbb::queuing_rw_mutex>("Queuing RW Mutex");
TestReaderWriterLock<tbb::queuing_rw_mutex>( "Queuing RW Mutex" );
TestReaderWriterLock<tbb::spin_rw_mutex>( "Spin RW Mutex" );
TestRecursiveMutex<tbb::recursive_mutex>( "Recursive Mutex" );
// Test ISO C++0x interface
TestISO<tbb::spin_mutex>( "ISO Spin Mutex" );
TestISO<tbb::mutex>( "ISO Mutex" );
TestISO<tbb::spin_rw_mutex>( "ISO Spin RW Mutex" );
TestISO<tbb::recursive_mutex>( "ISO Recursive Mutex" );
TestISO<tbb::critical_section>( "ISO Critical Section" );
TestTryAcquire_OneThreadISO<tbb::spin_mutex>( "ISO Spin Mutex" );
// under ifdef because on Windows tbb::mutex is reenterable and the test will fail
TestTryAcquire_OneThreadISO<tbb::mutex>( "ISO Mutex" );
#endif /* USE_PTHREAD */
TestTryAcquire_OneThreadISO<tbb::spin_rw_mutex>( "ISO Spin RW Mutex" );
TestTryAcquire_OneThreadISO<tbb::recursive_mutex>( "ISO Recursive Mutex" );
TestTryAcquire_OneThreadISO<tbb::critical_section>( "ISO Critical Section" );
TestReaderWriterLockISO<tbb::spin_rw_mutex>( "ISO Spin RW Mutex" );
TestRecursiveMutexISO<tbb::recursive_mutex>( "ISO Recursive Mutex" );
REMARK( "calling destructor for task_scheduler_init\n" );
return Harness::Done;