blob: 42ffd53823265493f66f9164e0d8811e3eea8cdc [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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#include "tbb/parallel_do.h"
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
#include "tbb/atomic.h"
#include "harness.h"
#include "harness_cpu.h"
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_Wp64)
// Workaround for overzealous compiler warnings in /Wp64 mode
#pragma warning (disable: 4267)
#endif /* _MSC_VER && _Wp64 */
#define N_DEPTHS 20
static tbb::atomic<int> g_values_counter;
class value_t {
size_t x;
value_t& operator= ( const value_t& );
value_t ( size_t xx ) : x(xx) { ++g_values_counter; }
value_t ( const value_t& v ) : x(v.value()) { ++g_values_counter; }
~value_t () { --g_values_counter; }
size_t value() const volatile { return x; }
#include "harness_iterator.h"
static size_t g_tasks_expected = 0;
static tbb::atomic<size_t> g_tasks_observed;
size_t FindNumOfTasks ( size_t max_depth ) {
if( max_depth == 0 )
return 1;
return max_depth * FindNumOfTasks( max_depth - 1 ) + 1;
//! Simplest form of the parallel_do functor object.
class FakeTaskGeneratorBody {
//! The simplest form of the function call operator
/** It does not allow adding new tasks during its execution. **/
void operator() ( value_t depth ) const {
g_tasks_observed += FindNumOfTasks(depth.value());
/** Work item is passed by reference here. **/
class FakeTaskGeneratorBody_RefVersion {
void operator() ( value_t& depth ) const {
g_tasks_observed += FindNumOfTasks(depth.value());
/** Work item is passed by reference to const here. **/
class FakeTaskGeneratorBody_ConstRefVersion {
void operator() ( const value_t& depth ) const {
g_tasks_observed += FindNumOfTasks(depth.value());
/** Work item is passed by reference to volatile here. **/
class FakeTaskGeneratorBody_VolatileRefVersion {
void operator() ( volatile value_t& depth, tbb::parallel_do_feeder<value_t>& ) const {
g_tasks_observed += FindNumOfTasks(depth.value());
void do_work ( const value_t& depth, tbb::parallel_do_feeder<value_t>& feeder ) {
size_t d=depth.value();
for( size_t i = 0; i < depth.value(); ++i)
//! Standard form of the parallel_do functor object.
/** Allows adding new work items on the fly. **/
class TaskGeneratorBody
//! This form of the function call operator can be used when the body needs to add more work during the processing
void operator() ( value_t depth, tbb::parallel_do_feeder<value_t>& feeder ) const {
do_work(depth, feeder);
// Assert that parallel_do does not ever access body constructors
TaskGeneratorBody () {}
TaskGeneratorBody ( const TaskGeneratorBody& );
// TestBody() needs access to the default constructor
template<class Body, class Iterator> friend void TestBody( size_t );
}; // class TaskGeneratorBody
/** Work item is passed by reference here. **/
class TaskGeneratorBody_RefVersion
void operator() ( value_t& depth, tbb::parallel_do_feeder<value_t>& feeder ) const {
do_work(depth, feeder);
}; // class TaskGeneratorBody
/** Work item is passed as const here. Compilers must ignore the const qualifier. **/
class TaskGeneratorBody_ConstVersion
void operator() ( const value_t depth, tbb::parallel_do_feeder<value_t>& feeder ) const {
do_work(depth, feeder);
}; // class TaskGeneratorBody
/** Work item is passed by reference to const here. **/
class TaskGeneratorBody_ConstRefVersion
void operator() ( const value_t& depth, tbb::parallel_do_feeder<value_t>& feeder ) const {
do_work(depth, feeder);
}; // class TaskGeneratorBody
/** Work item is passed by reference to volatile here. **/
class TaskGeneratorBody_VolatileRefVersion
void operator() ( volatile value_t& depth, tbb::parallel_do_feeder<value_t>& feeder ) const {
do_work(const_cast<value_t&>(depth), feeder);
}; // class TaskGeneratorBody
/** Work item is passed by reference to volatile here. **/
class TaskGeneratorBody_ConstVolatileRefVersion
void operator() ( const volatile value_t& depth, tbb::parallel_do_feeder<value_t>& feeder ) const {
do_work(const_cast<value_t&>(depth), feeder);
}; // class TaskGeneratorBody
static value_t g_depths[N_DEPTHS] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2};
template<class Body, class Iterator>
void TestBody ( size_t depth ) {
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type value_type;
value_type a_depths[N_DEPTHS] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2};
Body body;
Iterator begin(a_depths);
Iterator end(a_depths + depth);
g_tasks_observed = 0;
tbb::parallel_do(begin, end, body);
ASSERT (g_tasks_observed == g_tasks_expected, NULL);
template<class Iterator>
void TestIterator_RvalueOnly ( int /*nthread*/, size_t depth ) {
g_values_counter = 0;
TestBody<FakeTaskGeneratorBody, Iterator> (depth);
TestBody<FakeTaskGeneratorBody_ConstRefVersion, Iterator> (depth);
TestBody<TaskGeneratorBody, Iterator> (depth);
TestBody<TaskGeneratorBody_ConstVersion, Iterator> (depth);
TestBody<TaskGeneratorBody_ConstRefVersion, Iterator> (depth);
template<class Iterator>
void TestIterator ( int nthread, size_t depth ) {
TestIterator_RvalueOnly<Iterator>(nthread, depth);
TestBody<FakeTaskGeneratorBody_RefVersion, Iterator> (depth);
TestBody<FakeTaskGeneratorBody_VolatileRefVersion, Iterator> (depth);
TestBody<TaskGeneratorBody_RefVersion, Iterator> (depth);
TestBody<TaskGeneratorBody_VolatileRefVersion, Iterator> (depth);
TestBody<TaskGeneratorBody_ConstVolatileRefVersion, Iterator> (depth);
void Run( int nthread ) {
for( size_t depth = 0; depth <= N_DEPTHS; ++depth ) {
g_tasks_expected = 0;
for ( size_t i=0; i < depth; ++i )
g_tasks_expected += FindNumOfTasks( g_depths[i].value() );
// Test for iterators over values convertible to work item type
TestIterator_RvalueOnly<size_t*>(nthread, depth);
// Test for random access iterators
TestIterator<value_t*>(nthread, depth);
// Test for input iterators
TestIterator<Harness::InputIterator<value_t> >(nthread, depth);
// Test for forward iterators
TestIterator<Harness::ForwardIterator<value_t> >(nthread, depth);
int TestMain () {
if( MinThread<1 ) {
REPORT("number of threads must be positive\n");
for( int p=MinThread; p<=MaxThread; ++p ) {
tbb::task_scheduler_init init( p );
// Test that all workers sleep when no work
// This check must be performed after the scheduler terminated because only in this
// case there is a guarantee that the workers already destroyed their last tasks.
ASSERT( g_values_counter == 0, "Value objects were leaked" );
return Harness::Done;