blob: 0efeb372fd9e6feb72b4377f3d8cc26b36808212 [file] [log] [blame]
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// Before including pipeline.h, set up the variable to count heap allocated
// filter_node objects, and make it known for the header.
int filter_node_count = 0;
#define __TBB_TEST_FILTER_NODE_COUNT filter_node_count
#include "tbb/pipeline.h"
#include "tbb/atomic.h"
#include "harness.h"
const int n_tokens = 8;
const int max_counter = 16;
static tbb::atomic<int> tmp_counter;
class check_type {
unsigned int id;
bool is_ready;
check_type() : id(0), is_ready(false) {}
void function() {
if( id == 0 ) {
id = 1;
is_ready = true;
template<typename U>
class input_filter {
tbb::atomic<int> counter;
input_filter() {
counter = max_counter;
U operator()( tbb::flow_control& control ) {
if( --counter < 0 ) {
return U();
class input_filter<void> {
tbb::atomic<int> counter;
input_filter() {
counter = max_counter;
void operator()( tbb::flow_control& control ) {
if( --counter < 0 ) {
template<typename T, typename U>
class middle_filter {
U operator()(T /*my_storage*/) {
return U();
template<typename T>
class output_filter {
void operator()(T) {
void check_and_reset() {
ASSERT(tmp_counter == max_counter, "not all tokens were passed through pipeline");
tmp_counter = 0;
static const tbb::filter::mode filter_table[] = { tbb::filter::parallel, tbb::filter::serial_in_order, tbb::filter::serial_out_of_order};
const unsigned number_of_filter_types = sizeof(filter_table)/sizeof(filter_table[0]);
void run_function_spec() {
ASSERT(!filter_node_count, NULL);
input_filter<void> i_filter;
// Test pipeline that contains only one filter
for( unsigned i = 0; i<number_of_filter_types; i++) {
tbb::filter_t<void, void> one_filter( filter_table[i], i_filter );
ASSERT(filter_node_count==1, "some filter nodes left after previous iteration?");
tbb::parallel_pipeline( n_tokens, one_filter );
tbb::atomic<int> counter;
counter = max_counter;
// Construct filter using lambda-syntax when parallel_pipeline() is being run;
tbb::parallel_pipeline( n_tokens,
tbb::make_filter<void, void>(filter_table[i], [&counter]( tbb::flow_control& control ) {
if( counter-- == 0 )
ASSERT(!filter_node_count, "filter_node objects leaked");
template<typename type1, typename type2>
void run_function() {
ASSERT(!filter_node_count, NULL);
const size_t number_of_filters = 3;
input_filter<type1> i_filter;
middle_filter<type1, type2> m_filter;
output_filter<type2> o_filter;
unsigned limit = 1;
// Test pipeline that contains number_of_filters filters
for( unsigned i=0; i<number_of_filters; ++i)
limit *= number_of_filter_types;
// Iterate over possible filter sequences
for( unsigned numeral=0; numeral<limit; ++numeral ) {
unsigned temp = numeral;
tbb::filter::mode filter_type[number_of_filter_types];
for( unsigned i=0; i<number_of_filters; ++i, temp/=number_of_filter_types )
filter_type[i] = filter_table[temp%number_of_filter_types];
tbb::filter_t<void, type1> filter1( filter_type[0], i_filter );
tbb::filter_t<type1, type2> filter2( filter_type[1], m_filter );
tbb::filter_t<type2, void> filter3( filter_type[2], o_filter );
ASSERT(filter_node_count==3, "some filter nodes left after previous iteration?");
// Create filters sequence when parallel_pipeline() is being run
tbb::parallel_pipeline( n_tokens, filter1 & filter2 & filter3 );
// Create filters sequence partially outside parallel_pipeline() and also when parallel_pipeline() is being run
tbb::filter_t<void, type2> filter12;
filter12 = filter1 & filter2;
tbb::parallel_pipeline( n_tokens, filter12 & filter3 );
tbb::filter_t<void, void> filter123 = filter12 & filter3;
// Run pipeline twice with the same filter sequence
for( unsigned i = 0; i<2; i++ ) {
tbb::parallel_pipeline( n_tokens, filter123 );
// Now copy-construct another filter_t instance, and use it to run pipeline
tbb::filter_t<void, void> copy123( filter123 );
tbb::parallel_pipeline( n_tokens, copy123 );
// Construct filters and create the sequence when parallel_pipeline() is being run
tbb::parallel_pipeline( n_tokens,
tbb::make_filter<void, type1>(filter_type[0], i_filter) &
tbb::make_filter<type1, type2>(filter_type[1], m_filter) &
tbb::make_filter<type2, void>(filter_type[2], o_filter) );
// Construct filters, make a copy, destroy the original filters, and run with the copy
int cnt = filter_node_count;
tbb::filter_t<void, void>* p123 = new tbb::filter_t<void,void> (
tbb::make_filter<void, type1>(filter_type[0], i_filter) &
tbb::make_filter<type1, type2>(filter_type[1], m_filter) &
tbb::make_filter<type2, void>(filter_type[2], o_filter) );
ASSERT(filter_node_count==cnt+5, "filter node accounting error?");
tbb::filter_t<void, void> copy123( *p123 );
delete p123;
ASSERT(filter_node_count==cnt+5, "filter nodes deleted prematurely?");
tbb::parallel_pipeline( n_tokens, copy123 );
ASSERT(filter_node_count==cnt, "scope ended but filter nodes not deleted?");
tbb::atomic<int> counter;
counter = max_counter;
// Construct filters using lambda-syntax and create the sequence when parallel_pipeline() is being run;
tbb::parallel_pipeline( n_tokens,
tbb::make_filter<void, type1>(filter_type[0], [&counter]( tbb::flow_control& control ) -> type1 {
if( --counter < 0 )
return type1(); }
) &
tbb::make_filter<type1, type2>(filter_type[1], []( type1 /*my_storage*/ ) -> type2 {
return type2(); }
) &
tbb::make_filter<type2, void>(filter_type[2], [] ( type2 ) -> void {
tmp_counter++; }
ASSERT(!filter_node_count, "filter_node objects leaked");
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
int TestMain() {
// Test with varying number of threads.
for( int nthread=MinThread; nthread<=MaxThread; ++nthread ) {
// Initialize TBB task scheduler
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(nthread);
// Run test several times with different types
return Harness::Done;