blob: c29eb89b06f5dcd121ba0b48b95ea3066c9e5a3b [file] [log] [blame]
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#include "tbb/parallel_reduce.h"
#include "tbb/atomic.h"
#include "harness_assert.h"
using namespace std;
static tbb::atomic<long> ForkCount;
static tbb::atomic<long> FooBodyCount;
//! Class with public interface that is exactly minimal requirements for Range concept
class MinimalRange {
size_t begin, end;
friend class FooBody;
explicit MinimalRange( size_t i ) : begin(0), end(i) {}
friend void Flog( int nthread, bool inteference );
MinimalRange( MinimalRange& r, tbb::split ) : end(r.end) {
begin = r.end = (r.begin+r.end)/2;
bool is_divisible() const {return end-begin>=2;}
bool empty() const {return begin==end;}
//! Class with public interface that is exactly minimal requirements for Body of a parallel_reduce
class FooBody {
FooBody( const FooBody& ); // Deny access
void operator=( const FooBody& ); // Deny access
friend void Flog( int nthread, bool interference );
//! Parent that created this body via split operation. NULL if original body.
FooBody* parent;
//! Total number of index values processed by body and its children.
size_t sum;
//! Number of join operations done so far on this body and its children.
long join_count;
//! Range that has been processed so far by this body and its children.
size_t begin, end;
//! True if body has not yet been processed at least once by operator().
bool is_new;
//! 1 if body was created by split; 0 if original body.
int forked;
FooBody() {++FooBodyCount;}
~FooBody() {
forked = 0xDEADBEEF;
FooBody( FooBody& other, tbb::split ) {
sum = 0;
parent = &other;
join_count = 0;
is_new = true;
forked = 1;
void join( FooBody& s ) {
ASSERT( s.forked==1, NULL );
ASSERT( this!=&s, NULL );
ASSERT( this==s.parent, NULL );
ASSERT( end==s.begin, NULL );
end = s.end;
sum += s.sum;
join_count += s.join_count + 1;
s.forked = 2;
void operator()( const MinimalRange& r ) {
for( size_t k=r.begin; k<r.end; ++k )
if( is_new ) {
is_new = false;
begin = r.begin;
} else
ASSERT( end==r.begin, NULL );
end = r.end;
#include <cstdio>
#include "harness.h"
#include "tbb/tick_count.h"
void Flog( int nthread, bool interference=false ) {
for (int mode = 0; mode < 4; mode++) {
tbb::tick_count T0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
long join_count = 0;
tbb::affinity_partitioner ap;
for( size_t i=0; i<=1000; ++i ) {
FooBody f;
f.sum = 0;
f.parent = NULL;
f.join_count = 0;
f.is_new = true;
f.forked = 0;
f.begin = ~size_t(0);
f.end = ~size_t(0);
ASSERT( FooBodyCount==1, NULL );
switch (mode) {
case 0:
tbb::parallel_reduce( MinimalRange(i), f );
case 1:
tbb::parallel_reduce( MinimalRange(i), f, tbb::simple_partitioner() );
case 2:
tbb::parallel_reduce( MinimalRange(i), f, tbb::auto_partitioner() );
case 3:
tbb::parallel_reduce( MinimalRange(i), f, ap );
join_count += f.join_count;
ASSERT( FooBodyCount==1, NULL );
ASSERT( f.sum==i, NULL );
ASSERT( f.begin==(i==0 ? ~size_t(0) : 0), NULL );
ASSERT( f.end==(i==0 ? ~size_t(0) : i), NULL );
tbb::tick_count T1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
REMARK("time=%g join_count=%ld ForkCount=%ld nthread=%d%s\n",
(T1-T0).seconds(),join_count,long(ForkCount), nthread, interference ? " with interference)":"");
class DeepThief: public tbb::task {
/*override*/tbb::task* execute() {
if( !is_stolen_task() )
return NULL;
task* child;
friend void FlogWithInterference(int);
DeepThief() : child() {}
//! Test for problem in TBB 2.1 parallel_reduce where middle of a range is stolen.
/** Warning: this test is a somewhat abusive use of TBB somewhat because
it requires two or more threads to avoid deadlock. */
void FlogWithInterference( int nthread ) {
ASSERT( nthread>=2, "requires too or more threads" );
// Build linear chain of tasks.
// The purpose is to drive up "task depth" in TBB 2.1.
// An alternative would be to use add_to_depth, but that method is deprecated in TBB 2.2,
// and this way we generalize to catching problems with implicit depth calculations.
tbb::task* root = new( tbb::task::allocate_root() ) tbb::empty_task;
tbb::task* t = root;
for( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) {
t = new( t->allocate_child() ) tbb::empty_task;
// Append a DeepThief to the chain.
DeepThief* deep_thief = new( t->allocate_child() ) DeepThief;
// Append a leaf to the chain.
tbb::task* leaf = new( deep_thief->allocate_child() ) tbb::empty_task;
deep_thief->child = leaf;
if( root->ref_count()==2 ) {
// Spawn leaf, which when it finishes, cause the DeepThief and rest of the chain to finish.
root->spawn( *leaf );
// Wait for all tasks in the chain from root to leaf to finish.
root->destroy( *root );
#include "tbb/blocked_range.h"
#if _MSC_VER
typedef tbb::internal::uint64_t ValueType;
typedef uint64_t ValueType;
struct Sum {
template<typename T>
T operator() ( const T& v1, const T& v2 ) const {
return v1 + v2;
struct Accumulator {
ValueType operator() ( const tbb::blocked_range<ValueType*>& r, ValueType value ) const {
for ( ValueType* pv = r.begin(); pv != r.end(); ++pv )
value += *pv;
return value;
void ParallelSum () {
const ValueType I = 0,
N = 1000000,
R = N * (N + 1) / 2;
ValueType *array = new ValueType[N + 1];
for ( ValueType i = 0; i < N; ++i )
array[i] = i + 1;
tbb::blocked_range<ValueType*> range(array, array + N);
ValueType r1 = tbb::parallel_reduce( range, I, Accumulator(), Sum() );
ASSERT( r1 == R, NULL );
ValueType r2 = tbb::parallel_reduce( range, I,
[](const tbb::blocked_range<ValueType*>& r, ValueType value) -> ValueType {
for ( ValueType* pv = r.begin(); pv != r.end(); ++pv )
value += *pv;
return value;
ASSERT( r2 == R, NULL );
#endif /* LAMBDAS */
delete array;
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
#include "harness_cpu.h"
int TestMain () {
if( MinThread<0 ) {
REPORT("Usage: nthread must be positive\n");
for( int p=MinThread; p<=MaxThread; ++p ) {
tbb::task_scheduler_init init( p );
if( p>=2 )
// Test that all workers sleep when no work
return Harness::Done;