blob: 58df9671a02f655ef55c50d8595a4d1cd8508929 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
Threading Building Blocks is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
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#include "tbb/parallel_sort.h"
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
#include "tbb/concurrent_vector.h"
#include "harness.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <exception>
// Suppress "C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled" warning in STL headers
#pragma warning (push)
#pragma warning (disable: 4530)
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#pragma warning (pop)
/** Has tightly controlled interface so that we can verify
that parallel_sort uses only the required interface. */
class Minimal {
int val;
Minimal() {}
void set_val(int i) { val = i; }
static bool CompareWith (const Minimal &a, const Minimal &b) {
return (a.val < b.val);
static bool AreEqual( Minimal &a, Minimal &b) {
return a.val == b.val;
//! Defines a comparison function object for Minimal
class MinimalCompare {
bool operator() (const Minimal &a, const Minimal &b) const {
return Minimal::CompareWith(a,b);
//! The default validate; but it uses operator== which is not required
template<typename RandomAccessIterator>
bool Validate(RandomAccessIterator a, RandomAccessIterator b, size_t n) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
ASSERT( a[i] == b[i], NULL );
return true;
//! A Validate specialized to string for debugging-only
bool Validate<std::string *>(std::string * a, std::string * b, size_t n) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if ( Verbose && a[i] != b[i]) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < n; j++) {
REPORT("a[%llu] == %s and b[%llu] == %s\n", static_cast<unsigned long long>(j), a[j].c_str(), static_cast<unsigned long long>(j), b[j].c_str());
ASSERT( a[i] == b[i], NULL );
return true;
//! A Validate specialized to Minimal since it does not define an operator==
bool Validate<Minimal *>(Minimal *a, Minimal *b, size_t n) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
ASSERT( Minimal::AreEqual(a[i],b[i]), NULL );
return true;
//! A Validate specialized to concurrent_vector<Minimal> since it does not define an operator==
bool Validate<tbb::concurrent_vector<Minimal>::iterator>(tbb::concurrent_vector<Minimal>::iterator a,
tbb::concurrent_vector<Minimal>::iterator b, size_t n) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
ASSERT( Minimal::AreEqual(a[i],b[i]), NULL );
return true;
//! used in Verbose mode for identifying which data set is being used
static std::string test_type;
//! The default initialization routine.
/*! This routine assumes that you can assign to the elements from a float.
It assumes that iter and sorted_list have already been allocated. It fills
them according to the current data set (tracked by a local static variable).
Returns true if a valid test has been setup, or false if there is no test to
template < typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare >
bool init_iter(RandomAccessIterator iter, RandomAccessIterator sorted_list, size_t n, const Compare &compare, bool reset) {
static char test_case = 0;
const char num_cases = 3;
if (reset) test_case = 0;
if (test_case < num_cases) {
// switch on the current test case, filling the iter and sorted_list appropriately
switch(test_case) {
case 0:
/* use sin to generate the values */
test_type = "sin";
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
iter[i] = sorted_list[i] = static_cast<typename std::iterator_traits< RandomAccessIterator >::value_type>(sin(float(i)));
case 1:
/* presorted list */
test_type = "pre-sorted";
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
iter[i] = sorted_list[i] = static_cast<typename std::iterator_traits< RandomAccessIterator >::value_type>(i);
case 2:
/* reverse-sorted list */
test_type = "reverse-sorted";
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
iter[i] = sorted_list[i] = static_cast<typename std::iterator_traits< RandomAccessIterator >::value_type>(n - i);
// pre-sort sorted_list for later validity testing
std::sort(sorted_list, sorted_list + n, compare);
return true;
return false;
template < typename T, typename Compare >
bool init_iter(T * iter, T * sorted_list, size_t n, const Compare &compare, bool reset) {
static char test_case = 0;
const char num_cases = 3;
if (reset) test_case = 0;
if (test_case < num_cases) {
// switch on the current test case, filling the iter and sorted_list appropriately
switch(test_case) {
case 0:
/* use sin to generate the values */
test_type = "sin";
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
iter[i] = sorted_list[i] = T(sin(float(i)));
case 1:
/* presorted list */
test_type = "pre-sorted";
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
iter[i] = sorted_list[i] = T(i);
case 2:
/* reverse-sorted list */
test_type = "reverse-sorted";
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
iter[i] = sorted_list[i] = T(n - i);
// pre-sort sorted_list for later validity testing
std::sort(sorted_list, sorted_list + n, compare);
return true;
return false;
//! The initialization routine specialized to the class Minimal
/*! Minimal cannot have floats assigned to it. This function uses the set_val method
template < >
bool init_iter(Minimal* iter, Minimal * sorted_list, size_t n, const MinimalCompare &compare, bool reset) {
static char test_case = 0;
const char num_cases = 3;
if (reset) test_case = 0;
if (test_case < num_cases) {
switch(test_case) {
case 0:
/* use sin to generate the values */
test_type = "sin";
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
iter[i].set_val( int( sin( float(i) ) * 1000.f) );
sorted_list[i].set_val( int ( sin( float(i) ) * 1000.f) );
case 1:
/* presorted list */
test_type = "pre-sorted";
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
iter[i].set_val( int(i) );
sorted_list[i].set_val( int(i) );
case 2:
/* reverse-sorted list */
test_type = "reverse-sorted";
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
iter[i].set_val( int(n-i) );
sorted_list[i].set_val( int(n-i) );
std::sort(sorted_list, sorted_list + n, compare);
return true;
return false;
//! The initialization routine specialized to the class concurrent_vector<Minimal>
/*! Minimal cannot have floats assigned to it. This function uses the set_val method
template < >
bool init_iter(tbb::concurrent_vector<Minimal>::iterator iter, tbb::concurrent_vector<Minimal>::iterator sorted_list,
size_t n, const MinimalCompare &compare, bool reset) {
static char test_case = 0;
const char num_cases = 3;
if (reset) test_case = 0;
if (test_case < num_cases) {
switch(test_case) {
case 0:
/* use sin to generate the values */
test_type = "sin";
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
iter[i].set_val( int( sin( float(i) ) * 1000.f) );
sorted_list[i].set_val( int ( sin( float(i) ) * 1000.f) );
case 1:
/* presorted list */
test_type = "pre-sorted";
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
iter[i].set_val( int(i) );
sorted_list[i].set_val( int(i) );
case 2:
/* reverse-sorted list */
test_type = "reverse-sorted";
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
iter[i].set_val( int(n-i) );
sorted_list[i].set_val( int(n-i) );
std::sort(sorted_list, sorted_list + n, compare);
return true;
return false;
//! The initialization routine specialized to the class string
/*! strings are created from floats.
bool init_iter(std::string *iter, std::string *sorted_list, size_t n, const std::less<std::string> &compare, bool reset) {
static char test_case = 0;
const char num_cases = 1;
if (reset) test_case = 0;
if (test_case < num_cases) {
switch(test_case) {
case 0:
/* use sin to generate the values */
test_type = "sin";
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
char buffer[20];
#if __STDC_SECURE_LIB__>=200411
sprintf_s(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%f", float(sin(float(i))));
sprintf(buffer, "%f", float(sin(float(i))));
#endif /* _MSC_VER>=1400 */
sorted_list[i] = iter[i] = std::string(buffer);
std::sort(sorted_list, sorted_list + n, compare);
return true;
return false;
//! The current number of threads in use (for Verbose only)
static size_t current_p;
//! The current data type being sorted (for Verbose only)
static std::string current_type;
//! The default test routine.
/*! Tests all data set sizes from 0 to N, all grainsizes from 0 to G=10, and selects from
all possible interfaces to parallel_sort depending on whether a scratch space and
compare have been provided.
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
bool parallel_sortTest(size_t n, RandomAccessIterator iter, RandomAccessIterator sorted_list, const Compare *comp) {
bool passed = true;
Compare local_comp;
init_iter(iter, sorted_list, n, local_comp, true);
do {
REMARK("%s %s p=%llu n=%llu :",current_type.c_str(), test_type.c_str(),
static_cast<unsigned long long>(current_p), static_cast<unsigned long long>(n));
if (comp != NULL) {
tbb::parallel_sort(iter, iter + n, local_comp );
} else {
tbb::parallel_sort(iter, iter + n );
if (!Validate(iter, sorted_list, n))
passed = false;
} while (init_iter(iter, sorted_list, n, local_comp, false));
return passed;
//! The test routine specialize to Minimal, since it does not have a less defined for it
bool parallel_sortTest(size_t n, Minimal * iter, Minimal * sorted_list, const MinimalCompare *compare) {
bool passed = true;
if (compare == NULL) return passed;
init_iter(iter, sorted_list, n, *compare, true);
do {
REMARK("%s %s p=%llu n=%llu :",current_type.c_str(), test_type.c_str(),
static_cast<unsigned long long>(current_p), static_cast<unsigned long long>(n));
tbb::parallel_sort(iter, iter + n, *compare );
if (!Validate(iter, sorted_list, n))
passed = false;
} while (init_iter(iter, sorted_list, n, *compare, false));
return passed;
//! The test routine specialize to concurrent_vector of Minimal, since it does not have a less defined for it
bool parallel_sortTest(size_t n, tbb::concurrent_vector<Minimal>::iterator iter,
tbb::concurrent_vector<Minimal>::iterator sorted_list, const MinimalCompare *compare) {
bool passed = true;
if (compare == NULL) return passed;
init_iter(iter, sorted_list, n, *compare, true);
do {
REMARK("%s %s p=%llu n=%llu :",current_type.c_str(), test_type.c_str(),
static_cast<unsigned long long>(current_p), static_cast<unsigned long long>(n));
tbb::parallel_sort(iter, iter + n, *compare );
if (!Validate(iter, sorted_list, n))
passed = false;
} while (init_iter(iter, sorted_list, n, *compare, false));
return passed;
//! The main driver for the tests.
/*! Minimal, float and string types are used. All interfaces to parallel_sort that are usable
by each type are tested.
void Flog() {
// For each type create:
// the list to be sorted by parallel_sort (array)
// the list to be sort by STL sort (array_2)
// and a less function object
const size_t N = 50000;
Minimal *minimal_array = new Minimal[N];
Minimal *minimal_array_2 = new Minimal[N];
MinimalCompare minimal_less;
float *float_array = new float[N];
float *float_array_2 = new float[N];
std::less<float> float_less;
tbb::concurrent_vector<float> float_cv1;
tbb::concurrent_vector<float> float_cv2;
std::string *string_array = new std::string[N];
std::string *string_array_2 = new std::string[N];
std::less<std::string> string_less;
tbb::concurrent_vector<Minimal> minimal_cv1;
tbb::concurrent_vector<Minimal> minimal_cv2;
// run the appropriate tests for each type
current_type = "Minimal(less)";
parallel_sortTest(0, minimal_array, minimal_array_2, &minimal_less);
parallel_sortTest(1, minimal_array, minimal_array_2, &minimal_less);
parallel_sortTest(10, minimal_array, minimal_array_2, &minimal_less);
parallel_sortTest(9999, minimal_array, minimal_array_2, &minimal_less);
parallel_sortTest(50000, minimal_array, minimal_array_2, &minimal_less);
current_type = "float (no less)";
parallel_sortTest(0, float_array, float_array_2, static_cast<std::less<float> *>(NULL));
parallel_sortTest(1, float_array, float_array_2, static_cast<std::less<float> *>(NULL));
parallel_sortTest(10, float_array, float_array_2, static_cast<std::less<float> *>(NULL));
parallel_sortTest(9999, float_array, float_array_2, static_cast<std::less<float> *>(NULL));
parallel_sortTest(50000, float_array, float_array_2, static_cast<std::less<float> *>(NULL));
current_type = "float (less)";
parallel_sortTest(0, float_array, float_array_2, &float_less);
parallel_sortTest(1, float_array, float_array_2, &float_less);
parallel_sortTest(10, float_array, float_array_2, &float_less);
parallel_sortTest(9999, float_array, float_array_2, &float_less);
parallel_sortTest(50000, float_array, float_array_2, &float_less);
current_type = "concurrent_vector<float> (no less)";
parallel_sortTest(0, float_cv1.begin(), float_cv2.begin(), static_cast<std::less<float> *>(NULL));
parallel_sortTest(1, float_cv1.begin(), float_cv2.begin(), static_cast<std::less<float> *>(NULL));
parallel_sortTest(10, float_cv1.begin(), float_cv2.begin(), static_cast<std::less<float> *>(NULL));
parallel_sortTest(9999, float_cv1.begin(), float_cv2.begin(), static_cast<std::less<float> *>(NULL));
parallel_sortTest(50000, float_cv1.begin(), float_cv2.begin(), static_cast<std::less<float> *>(NULL));
current_type = "concurrent_vector<float> (less)";
parallel_sortTest(0, float_cv1.begin(), float_cv2.begin(), &float_less);
parallel_sortTest(1, float_cv1.begin(), float_cv2.begin(), &float_less);
parallel_sortTest(10, float_cv1.begin(), float_cv2.begin(), &float_less);
parallel_sortTest(9999, float_cv1.begin(), float_cv2.begin(), &float_less);
parallel_sortTest(50000, float_cv1.begin(), float_cv2.begin(), &float_less);
current_type = "string (no less)";
parallel_sortTest(0, string_array, string_array_2, static_cast<std::less<std::string> *>(NULL));
parallel_sortTest(1, string_array, string_array_2, static_cast<std::less<std::string> *>(NULL));
parallel_sortTest(10, string_array, string_array_2, static_cast<std::less<std::string> *>(NULL));
parallel_sortTest(9999, string_array, string_array_2, static_cast<std::less<std::string> *>(NULL));
parallel_sortTest(50000, string_array, string_array_2, static_cast<std::less<std::string> *>(NULL));
current_type = "string (less)";
parallel_sortTest(0, string_array, string_array_2, &string_less);
parallel_sortTest(1, string_array, string_array_2, &string_less);
parallel_sortTest(10, string_array, string_array_2, &string_less);
parallel_sortTest(9999, string_array, string_array_2, &string_less);
parallel_sortTest(50000, string_array, string_array_2, &string_less);
current_type = "concurrent_vector<Minimal> (less)";
parallel_sortTest(0, minimal_cv1.begin(), minimal_cv2.begin(), &minimal_less);
parallel_sortTest(1, minimal_cv1.begin(), minimal_cv2.begin(), &minimal_less);
parallel_sortTest(10, minimal_cv1.begin(), minimal_cv2.begin(), &minimal_less);
parallel_sortTest(9999, minimal_cv1.begin(), minimal_cv2.begin(), &minimal_less);
parallel_sortTest(50000, minimal_cv1.begin(), minimal_cv2.begin(), &minimal_less);
delete [] minimal_array;
delete [] minimal_array_2;
delete [] float_array;
delete [] float_array_2;
delete [] string_array;
delete [] string_array_2;
#include <cstdio>
#include "harness_cpu.h"
int TestMain () {
if( MinThread<1 ) {
REPORT("Usage: number of threads must be positive\n");
for( int p=MinThread; p<=MaxThread; ++p ) {
if( p>0 ) {
tbb::task_scheduler_init init( p );
current_p = p;
// Test that all workers sleep when no work
return Harness::Done;