blob: 38f7a698ede2c7953c53650189e9baed4e453e35 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
This file is part of Threading Building Blocks.
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and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
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#include "tbb/tbb_stddef.h"
#include "tbb/pipeline.h"
#include "tbb/spin_mutex.h"
#include "tbb/atomic.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include "harness.h"
// In the test, variables related to token counting are declared
// as unsigned long to match definition of tbb::internal::Token.
struct Buffer {
//! Indicates that the buffer is not used.
static const unsigned long unused = ~0ul;
unsigned long id;
//! True if Buffer is in use.
bool is_busy;
unsigned long sequence_number;
Buffer() : id(unused), is_busy(false), sequence_number(unused) {}
class waiting_probe {
size_t check_counter;
waiting_probe() : check_counter(0) {}
bool required( ) {
return !((check_counter+1)&size_t(0x7FFF));
void probe( ); // defined below
static const unsigned MaxStreamSize = 8000;
static const unsigned MaxStreamItemsPerThread = 1000;
//! Maximum number of filters allowed
static const unsigned MaxFilters = 5;
static unsigned StreamSize;
static const unsigned MaxBuffer = 8;
static bool Done[MaxFilters][MaxStreamSize];
static waiting_probe WaitTest;
static unsigned out_of_order_count;
#include "harness_concurrency_tracker.h"
class BaseFilter: public tbb::filter {
bool* const my_done;
const bool my_is_last;
bool my_is_running;
tbb::atomic<tbb::internal::Token> current_token;
BaseFilter( tbb::filter::mode type, bool done[], bool is_last ) :
virtual Buffer* get_buffer( void* item ) {
return static_cast<Buffer*>(item);
/*override*/void* operator()( void* item ) {
Harness::ConcurrencyTracker ct;
if( is_serial() )
ASSERT( !my_is_running, "premature entry to serial stage" );
my_is_running = true;
Buffer* b = get_buffer(item);
if( b ) {
if( is_ordered() ) {
if( b->sequence_number == Buffer::unused )
b->sequence_number = current_token-1;
ASSERT( b->sequence_number==current_token-1, "item arrived out of order" );
} else if( is_serial() ) {
if( b->sequence_number != current_token-1 && b->sequence_number != Buffer::unused )
ASSERT( b->id < StreamSize, NULL );
ASSERT( !my_done[b->id], "duplicate processing of token?" );
ASSERT( b->is_busy, NULL );
my_done[b->id] = true;
if( my_is_last ) {
b->id = Buffer::unused;
b->sequence_number = Buffer::unused;
__TBB_store_with_release(b->is_busy, false);
my_is_running = false;
return b;
class InputFilter: public BaseFilter {
tbb::spin_mutex input_lock;
Buffer buffer[MaxBuffer];
const tbb::internal::Token my_number_of_tokens;
InputFilter( tbb::filter::mode type, tbb::internal::Token ntokens, bool done[], bool is_last ) :
BaseFilter(type, done, is_last),
/*override*/Buffer* get_buffer( void* ) {
unsigned long next_input;
unsigned free_buffer = 0;
{ // lock protected scope
tbb::spin_mutex::scoped_lock lock(input_lock);
if( current_token>=StreamSize )
return NULL;
next_input = current_token++;
// once in a while, emulate waiting for input; this only makes sense for serial input
if( is_serial() && WaitTest.required() )
WaitTest.probe( );
while( free_buffer<MaxBuffer )
if( __TBB_load_with_acquire(buffer[free_buffer].is_busy) )
else {
buffer[free_buffer].is_busy = true;
ASSERT( free_buffer<my_number_of_tokens, "premature reuse of buffer" );
Buffer* b = &buffer[free_buffer];
ASSERT( &buffer[0] <= b, NULL );
ASSERT( b <= &buffer[MaxBuffer-1], NULL );
ASSERT( b->id == Buffer::unused, NULL);
b->id = next_input;
ASSERT( b->sequence_number == Buffer::unused, NULL);
return b;
//! The struct below repeats layout of tbb::pipeline.
struct hacked_pipeline {
tbb::filter* filter_list;
tbb::filter* filter_end;
tbb::empty_task* end_counter;
tbb::atomic<tbb::internal::Token> input_tokens;
tbb::atomic<tbb::internal::Token> token_counter;
bool end_of_input;
bool has_thread_bound_filters;
virtual ~hacked_pipeline();
//! The struct below repeats layout of tbb::internal::input_buffer.
struct hacked_input_buffer {
void* array; // This should be changed to task_info* if ever used
tbb::internal::Token array_size;
tbb::internal::Token low_token;
tbb::spin_mutex array_mutex;
tbb::internal::Token high_token;
bool is_ordered;
bool is_bound;
//! The struct below repeats layout of tbb::filter.
struct hacked_filter {
tbb::filter* next_filter_in_pipeline;
hacked_input_buffer* my_input_buffer;
unsigned char my_filter_mode;
tbb::filter* prev_filter_in_pipeline;
tbb::pipeline* my_pipeline;
tbb::filter* next_segment;
virtual ~hacked_filter();
bool do_hacking_tests = true;
const tbb::internal::Token tokens_before_wraparound = 0xF;
void TestTrivialPipeline( unsigned nthread, unsigned number_of_filters ) {
// There are 3 filter types: parallel, serial_in_order and serial_out_of_order
static const tbb::filter::mode filter_table[] = { tbb::filter::parallel, tbb::filter::serial_in_order, tbb::filter::serial_out_of_order};
const unsigned number_of_filter_types = sizeof(filter_table)/sizeof(filter_table[0]);
REMARK( "testing with %lu threads and %lu filters\n", nthread, number_of_filters );
ASSERT( number_of_filters<=MaxFilters, "too many filters" );
ASSERT( sizeof(hacked_pipeline) == sizeof(tbb::pipeline), "layout changed for tbb::pipeline?" );
ASSERT( sizeof(hacked_filter) == sizeof(tbb::filter), "layout changed for tbb::filter?" );
tbb::internal::Token ntokens = nthread<MaxBuffer ? nthread : MaxBuffer;
// Count maximum iterations number
unsigned limit = 1;
for( unsigned i=0; i<number_of_filters; ++i)
limit *= number_of_filter_types;
// Iterate over possible filter sequences
for( unsigned numeral=0; numeral<limit; ++numeral ) {
// Build pipeline
tbb::pipeline pipeline;
if( do_hacking_tests ) {
// A private member of pipeline is hacked there for sake of testing wrap-around immunity.
((hacked_pipeline*)(void*)&pipeline)->token_counter = ~tokens_before_wraparound;
tbb::filter* filter[MaxFilters];
unsigned temp = numeral;
// parallelism_limit is the upper bound on the possible parallelism
unsigned parallelism_limit = 0;
for( unsigned i=0; i<number_of_filters; ++i, temp/=number_of_filter_types ) {
tbb::filter::mode filter_type = filter_table[temp%number_of_filter_types];
const bool is_last = i==number_of_filters-1;
if( i==0 )
filter[i] = new InputFilter(filter_type,ntokens,Done[i],is_last);
filter[i] = new BaseFilter(filter_type,Done[i],is_last);
// The ordered buffer of serial filters is hacked as well.
if ( filter[i]->is_serial() ) {
if( do_hacking_tests ) {
((hacked_filter*)(void*)filter[i])->my_input_buffer->low_token = ~tokens_before_wraparound;
((hacked_filter*)(void*)filter[i])->my_input_buffer->high_token = ~tokens_before_wraparound;
parallelism_limit += 1;
} else {
parallelism_limit = nthread;
// Account for clipping of parallelism.
if( parallelism_limit>nthread )
parallelism_limit = nthread;
if( parallelism_limit>ntokens )
parallelism_limit = (unsigned)ntokens;
unsigned streamSizeLimit = min( MaxStreamSize, nthread * MaxStreamItemsPerThread );
for( StreamSize=0; StreamSize<=streamSizeLimit; ) {
memset( Done, 0, sizeof(Done) );
for( unsigned i=0; i<number_of_filters; ++i ) {
} ntokens );
ASSERT( !Harness::ConcurrencyTracker::InstantParallelism(), "filter still running?" );
for( unsigned i=0; i<number_of_filters; ++i )
ASSERT( static_cast<BaseFilter*>(filter[i])->current_token==StreamSize, NULL );
for( unsigned i=0; i<MaxFilters; ++i )
for( unsigned j=0; j<StreamSize; ++j ) {
ASSERT( Done[i][j]==(i<number_of_filters), NULL );
if( StreamSize < min(nthread*8, 32u) ) {
} else {
StreamSize = StreamSize*8/3;
if( Harness::ConcurrencyTracker::PeakParallelism() < parallelism_limit )
REMARK( "nthread=%lu ntokens=%lu MaxParallelism=%lu parallelism_limit=%lu\n",
nthread, ntokens, Harness::ConcurrencyTracker::PeakParallelism(), parallelism_limit );
for( unsigned i=0; i < number_of_filters; ++i ) {
delete filter[i];
filter[i] = NULL;
#include "harness_cpu.h"
static int nthread; // knowing number of threads is necessary to call TestCPUUserTime
void waiting_probe::probe( ) {
if( nthread==1 ) return;
REMARK("emulating wait for input\n");
// Test that threads sleep while no work.
// The master doesn't sleep so there could be 2 active threads if a worker is waiting for input
TestCPUUserTime(nthread, 2);
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
int TestMain () {
out_of_order_count = 0;
if( MinThread<1 ) {
REPORT("must have at least one thread");
if( tbb::TBB_runtime_interface_version()>TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION) {
REMARK("Warning: implementation dependent tests disabled\n");
do_hacking_tests = false;
// Test with varying number of threads.
for( nthread=MinThread; nthread<=MaxThread; ++nthread ) {
// Initialize TBB task scheduler
tbb::task_scheduler_init init(nthread);
// Test pipelines with n filters
for( unsigned n=0; n<=MaxFilters; ++n )
// Test that all workers sleep when no work
if( !out_of_order_count )
REPORT("Warning: out of order serial filter received tokens in order\n");
return Harness::Done;