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Copyright 2005-2010 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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/* The test uses "single produces multiple consumers" (SPMC )pattern to check
if the memory of the tasks stolen by consumer threads is returned to the
producer thread and is reused.
The test consists of a series of iterations, which execute a task tree.
the test fails is the memory consumption is not stabilized during some
number of iterations.
After the memory consumption stabilized the memory state is perturbed by
switching producer thread, and the check is repeated.
#include "harness_inject_scheduler.h"
#include "tbb/atomic.h"
#include "harness_assert.h"
#include <cstdlib>
// Test configuration parameters
//! Maximal number of test iterations
const int MaxIterations = 600;
//! Number of iterations during which the memory consumption must stabilize
const int AsymptoticRange = 100;
//! Number of times the memory state is perturbed to repeat the check
const int NumProducerSwitches = 2;
//! Number of iterations after which the success of producer switch is checked
const int ProducerCheckTimeout = 10;
//! Number of initial iteration used to collect statistics to be used in later checks
const int InitialStatsIterations = 20;
tbb::atomic<int> Count;
tbb::atomic<tbb::task*> Exchanger;
tbb::internal::scheduler* Producer;
#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
#include "harness.h"
using namespace tbb;
using namespace tbb::internal;
class ChangeProducer: public tbb::task {
/*override*/ tbb::task* execute() {
if( is_stolen_task() ) {
Producer = internal::governor::local_scheduler();
return NULL;
class TaskGenerator: public tbb::task {
const int my_child_count;
int my_depth;
TaskGenerator(int child_count, int depth) : my_child_count(child_count), my_depth(depth) {
ASSERT(my_child_count>1, "The TaskGenerator should produce at least two children");
/*override*/ tbb::task* execute() {
if( my_depth>0 ) {
int child_count = my_child_count;
scheduler* my_sched = internal::governor::local_scheduler();
tbb::task& c = *new( tbb::task::allocate_continuation() ) tbb::empty_task;
c.set_ref_count( child_count );
if( Producer==my_sched ) {
// produce a task and put it into Exchanger
tbb::task* t = new( c.allocate_child() ) tbb::empty_task;
t = Exchanger.fetch_and_store(t);
if( t ) spawn(*t);
} else {
tbb::task* t = Exchanger.fetch_and_store(NULL);
if( t ) spawn(*t);
while( child_count ) {
tbb::task* t = new( c.allocate_child() ) TaskGenerator(my_child_count, my_depth-1);
if( my_depth >4 ) enqueue(*t);
else spawn(*t);
return this;
} else {
tbb::task* t = Exchanger.fetch_and_store(NULL);
if( t ) spawn(*t);
return NULL;
#include "harness_memory.h"
#if _MSC_VER==1500 && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
// VS2008/VC9 seems to have an issue
#pragma warning( push )
#pragma warning( disable: 4985 )
#include <math.h>
#if _MSC_VER==1500 && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
#pragma warning( pop )
void RunTaskGenerators( bool switchProducer = false, bool checkProducer = false ) {
if( switchProducer )
Producer = NULL;
tbb::task* dummy_root = new( tbb::task::allocate_root() ) tbb::empty_task;
dummy_root->set_ref_count( 2 );
// If no producer, start elections; some worker will take the role
if( Producer )
dummy_root->spawn( *new( dummy_root->allocate_child() ) tbb::empty_task );
dummy_root->spawn( *new( dummy_root->allocate_child() ) ChangeProducer );
if( checkProducer && !Producer )
REPORT("Warning: producer has not changed after 10 attempts; running on a single core?\n");
for( int j=0; j<100; ++j ) {
if( j&1 ) {
tbb::task& t = *new( tbb::task::allocate_root() ) TaskGenerator(/*child_count=*/4, /*depth=*/6);
} else {
tbb::task& t = *new (dummy_root->allocate_additional_child_of(*dummy_root))
TaskGenerator(/*child_count=*/4, /*depth=*/6);
dummy_root->destroy( *dummy_root );
//! Tests whether task scheduler allows thieves to hoard task objects.
/** The test takes a while to run, so we run it only with the default
number of threads. */
void TestTaskReclamation() {
REMARK("testing task reclamation\n");
size_t initial_amount_of_memory = 0;
double task_count_sum = 0;
double task_count_sum_square = 0;
double average, sigma;
tbb::task_scheduler_init init (MinThread);
REMARK("Starting with %d threads\n", MinThread);
// For now, the master will produce "additional" tasks; later a worker will replace it;
Producer = internal::governor::local_scheduler();
int N = InitialStatsIterations;
// First N iterations fill internal buffers and collect initial statistics
for( int i=0; i<N; ++i ) {
// First N iterations fill internal buffers and collect initial statistics
size_t m = GetMemoryUsage();
if( m-initial_amount_of_memory > 0)
initial_amount_of_memory = m;
intptr_t n = internal::governor::local_scheduler()->get_task_node_count( /*count_arena_workers=*/true );
task_count_sum += n;
task_count_sum_square += n*n;
REMARK( "Consumed %ld bytes and %ld objects (iteration=%d)\n", long(m), long(n), i );
// Calculate statistical values
average = task_count_sum / N;
sigma = sqrt( (task_count_sum_square - task_count_sum*task_count_sum/N)/N );
REMARK("Average task count: %g, sigma: %g, sum: %g, square sum:%g \n", average, sigma, task_count_sum, task_count_sum_square);
int last_error_iteration = 0,
producer_switch_iteration = 0,
producer_switches = 0;
bool switchProducer = false,
checkProducer = false;
for( int i=0; i < MaxIterations; ++i ) {
// These iterations check for excessive memory use and unreasonable task count
RunTaskGenerators( switchProducer, checkProducer );
intptr_t n = internal::governor::local_scheduler()->get_task_node_count( /*count_arena_workers=*/true );
size_t m = GetMemoryUsage();
if( (m-initial_amount_of_memory > 0) && (n > average+4*sigma) ) {
// Use 4*sigma interval (for normal distribution, 3*sigma contains ~99% of values).
REMARK( "Warning: possible leak of up to %ld bytes; currently %ld cached task objects (iteration=%d)\n",
static_cast<unsigned long>(m-initial_amount_of_memory), long(n), i );
last_error_iteration = i;
initial_amount_of_memory = m;
} else {
REMARK( "Consumed %ld bytes and %ld objects (iteration=%d)\n", long(m), long(n), i );
if ( i == last_error_iteration + AsymptoticRange ) {
if ( producer_switches++ == NumProducerSwitches )
else {
last_error_iteration = producer_switch_iteration = i;
switchProducer = true;
else {
switchProducer = false;
checkProducer = producer_switch_iteration && (i == producer_switch_iteration + ProducerCheckTimeout);
ASSERT( last_error_iteration < MaxIterations - AsymptoticRange, "The amount of allocated tasks keeps growing. Leak is possible." );
int TestMain () {
if( !GetMemoryUsage() ) {
REMARK("GetMemoryUsage is not implemented for this platform\n");
return Harness::Skipped;
return Harness::Done;