blob: 1f4cde9fa4cfa4137ba3ca304cd4824a4286e56e [file] [log] [blame]
/* Based on Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C (Second Edition)
* by Mark Allen Weiss.
* Modified by Christian Bienia, Minlan Yu.
#ifndef _BINHEAP_H
#define _BINHEAP_H
#include "dedupdef.h"
typedef chunk_t * HeapElementType;
/* Type of a priority queue. HeapStruct is private and should not be used directly */
struct HeapStruct {
int Capacity;
int Size;
HeapElementType * Elements;
typedef struct HeapStruct * PriorityQueue;
/* Create an empty priority queue with initial capacity 'InitCapacity' */
PriorityQueue Initialize( int InitCapacity );
/* Free all data structures of PriorityQueue */
void Destroy( PriorityQueue H );
/* Delete contents of priority queue */
void MakeEmpty( PriorityQueue H );
/* Add element X to priority queue H, automatically increases capacity if queue is full */
void Insert( HeapElementType X, PriorityQueue H );
/* Return the smallest element in the priority queue (if not empty) */
HeapElementType FindMin( PriorityQueue H );
/* Delete the smallest element in the priority queue (if not empty) */
HeapElementType DeleteMin( PriorityQueue H );
/* Check whether priority queue is empty */
int IsEmpty( PriorityQueue H );
/* Check whether priority queue is full and calling Insert would result in memory reallocation */
int IsFull( PriorityQueue H );
/* Return number of elements in priority queue */
int NumberElements( PriorityQueue H );
#endif /* _BINHEAP_H */