blob: f1c43751f2bfe410c0cbc2d5b038af57e10f792f [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _QUEUE_H_
#define _QUEUE_H_
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
//A simple ring buffer that can store a certain number of elements.
//This is used for two purposes:
// 1. To manage the elements inside a queue
// 2. To allow queue users aggregate queue operations
struct _ringbuffer_t {
int head, tail;
void **data;
size_t size;
typedef struct _ringbuffer_t ringbuffer_t;
//A synchronized queue.
//Basically just a ring buffer with some synchronization added
struct _queue_t {
ringbuffer_t buf;
int nProducers;
int nTerminated;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_cond_t notEmpty, notFull;
typedef struct _queue_t queue_t;
* Some simple inline functions to work with ring buffers
//Initialize a ring buffer
static inline int ringbuffer_init(ringbuffer_t *buf, size_t size) {
//NOTE: We have to allocate one extra element because one element will be unusable (we need to distinguish between full and empty).
buf->data = (void **)malloc(sizeof(void*) * (size+1));
buf->size = (size+1);
buf->head = 0;
buf->tail = 0;
return (buf->data==NULL);
//Destroy a ring buffer
static inline int ringbuffer_destroy(ringbuffer_t *buf) {
return 0;
//Returns true if and only if the ring buffer is empty
static inline int ringbuffer_isEmpty(ringbuffer_t *buf) {
return (buf->tail == buf->head);
//Returns true if and only if the ring buffer is full
static inline int ringbuffer_isFull(ringbuffer_t *buf) {
return (buf->head == (buf->tail-1+buf->size)%buf->size);
//Get an element from a ringbuffer
//Returns NULL if buffer is empty
static inline void *ringbuffer_remove(ringbuffer_t *buf) {
void *ptr;
if(ringbuffer_isEmpty(buf)) {
ptr = NULL;
} else {
ptr = buf->data[buf->tail];
if(buf->tail >= buf->size) buf->tail = 0;
return ptr;
//Put an element into a ringbuffer
//Returns 0 if the operation succeeded
static inline int ringbuffer_insert(ringbuffer_t *buf, void *ptr) {
if(ringbuffer_isFull(buf)) return -1;
buf->data[buf->head] = ptr;
if(buf->head == buf->size) buf->head = 0;
return 0;
* Queue interface
void queue_init(queue_t * que, size_t size, int nProducers);
void queue_destroy(queue_t * que);
void queue_terminate(queue_t * que);
int queue_dequeue(queue_t *que, ringbuffer_t *buf, int limit);
int queue_enqueue(queue_t *que, ringbuffer_t *buf, int limit);
#endif //_QUEUE_H_