blob: 9134703167afa6053c065be4004349ca980bef69 [file] [log] [blame]
* tpool.h: A thread pool
* Functions to start, manage and terminate a thread pool
#ifndef TPOOL_H
#define TPOOL_H
#include <pthread.h>
/*** Declarations ***/
typedef enum {
} pool_state_t;
typedef struct tpool_s {
/* The number of threads in this pool */
int nthreads;
/* The thread descriptors */
pthread_t *threads;
/* The state of the pool */
pool_state_t state;
} tpool_t;
/* The arguments passed to pthread_create */
typedef void *(*tpool_start_routine_f)(void *);
typedef struct tdesc_s {
const pthread_attr_t *attr;
tpool_start_routine_f start_routine;
void *arg;
} tdesc_t;
/*** Functions ***/
/* Creates a new thread pool.
* After the function terminates successfully, nthreads threads are running.
* opts: Array with the start function and thread arguments for each thread
* nthreads: Number of threads to create (and number of entries in opts)
* return: Pointer to the thread pool (or NULL if an error occurred)
tpool_t *tpool_create(tdesc_t *opts, int nthreads);
* Destroys the thread pool.
* The threads of the thread pool should already have been stopped when this function
* is called.
* pool: Pointer to the thread pool
void tpool_destroy(tpool_t *pool);
* Waits until all threads have joined.
* pool: Pointer to the thread pool
* value_ptrs: Array for the return values of the thread functions (can be NULL)
* return: -1 if an error occurred, 0 otherwise
int tpool_join(tpool_t *pool, void **value_ptrs);
* Cancels all threads of the pool.
* pool: Pointer to the thread pool
* return: -1 if an error occurred, 0 otherwise
int tpool_cancel(tpool_t *pool);