blob: 94d2415f4ba36d4cc4cb386949ae3295a1f21c8b [file] [log] [blame]
[map all]
; Memory below 0800h is reserved for the BIOS and the MBR
BSS_START equ 0800h
; PXELINUX needs lots of BSS, so it relocates itself on startup
TEXT_START equ 9000h
;TEXT_START equ 7C00h
; The various sections and their relationship
times 0x100 db 0x3
section .earlybss nobits start=BSS_START
resb 0x100
section .bcopy32 align=16 vfollows=.earlybss
times 0x100 db 0x1
section .bss nobits align=256 vfollows=.bcopy32
resb 0x100
section .text start=TEXT_START
section .data align=16 follows=.text
times 0x100 db 0x2
section .latebss nobits align=16 follows=.bcopy32
resb 0x100