blob: fad1e000b4787386275ea3f5067539434768a7ff [file] [log] [blame]
# test source file for assembling to MACH-O
# build with :
# yasm -f macho machotest.asm
# gcc -o machotest machotest.c machotest.o
# This file should test the following:
# [1] Define and export a global text-section symbol
# [2] Define and export a global data-section symbol
# [3] Define and export a global BSS-section symbol
# [4] Define a non-global text-section symbol
# [5] Define a non-global data-section symbol
# [6] Define a non-global BSS-section symbol
# [7] Define a COMMON symbol
# [8] Define a NASM local label
# [9] Reference a NASM local label
# [10] Import an external symbol (note: printf replaced by another call)
# [11] Make a PC-relative call to an external symbol
# [12] Reference a text-section symbol in the text section
# [13] Reference a data-section symbol in the text section
# [14] Reference a BSS-section symbol in the text section
# [15] Reference a text-section symbol in the data section
# [16] Reference a data-section symbol in the data section
# [17] Reference a BSS-section symbol in the data section
.globl _lrotate # [1]
.globl _greet # [1]
.globl _asmstr # [2]
.globl _textptr # [2]
.globl _selfptr # [2]
.globl _integer # [3]
#.extern _druck # [10]
.comm _commvar, 4 # [7]
# prototype: long lrotate(long x, int num);
_lrotate: # [1]
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
movl 8(%ebp), %eax
movl 12(%ebp), %ecx
Llabel: roll %eax # [4] [8]
loop Llabel # [9] [12]
movl %ebp, %esp
popl %ebp
# prototype: void greet(void);
movl _integer, %eax # [14]
incl %eax
movl %eax, localint # [14]
pushl _commvar
movl localptr, %eax # [13]
pushl (%eax)
pushl _integer # [1] [14]
pushl _printfstr # [13]
calll _druck # [11]
addl 16, %esp
# a string
_asmstr: .asciz "hello, world" # [2]
# a string for Printf
_printfstr: .asciz "integer==%d, localint==%d, commvar=%d\n"
# some pointers
localptr: .long localint # [5] [17]
_textptr: .long _greet # [15]
_selfptr: .long _selfptr # [16]
# an integer
.lcomm _integer, 4 # [3]
# a local integer
.lcomm localint, 4 # [6]