blob: 62891f8bbad467b1fcdb651399c4fe41144092a0 [file] [log] [blame]
include ../config/make.def
OBJS = lu.o init_comm.o read_input.o bcast_inputs.o proc_grid.o neighbors.o \
nodedim.o subdomain.o setcoeff.o setbv.o exact.o setiv.o \
erhs.o ssor.o exchange_1.o exchange_3.o exchange_4.o exchange_5.o \
exchange_6.o rhs.o l2norm.o jacld.o blts$(VEC).o jacu.o buts$(VEC).o \
error.o pintgr.o verify.o ${COMMON}/print_results.o ${COMMON}/timers.o
include ../sys/make.common
# npbparams.h is included by applu.incl
# The following rule should do the trick but many make programs (not gmake)
# will do the wrong thing and rebuild the world every time (because the
# mod time on header.h is not changed. One solution would be to
# touch header.h but this might cause confusion if someone has
# accidentally deleted it. Instead, make the dependency on npbparams.h
# explicit in all the lines below (even though dependence is indirect).
# applu.incl: npbparams.h
${PROGRAM}: config
@if [ x$(VERSION) = xvec ] ; then \
${MAKE} VEC=_vec exec; \
elif [ x$(VERSION) = xVEC ] ; then \
${MAKE} VEC=_vec exec; \
else \
${MAKE} exec; \
exec: $(OBJS)
.f.o :
lu.o: lu.f applu.incl npbparams.h
bcast_inputs.o: bcast_inputs.f applu.incl npbparams.h mpinpb.h
blts$(VEC).o: blts$(VEC).f timing.h
buts$(VEC).o: buts$(VEC).f timing.h
erhs.o: erhs.f applu.incl npbparams.h
error.o: error.f applu.incl npbparams.h mpinpb.h
exact.o: exact.f applu.incl npbparams.h
exchange_1.o: exchange_1.f applu.incl npbparams.h mpinpb.h
exchange_3.o: exchange_3.f applu.incl npbparams.h mpinpb.h
exchange_4.o: exchange_4.f applu.incl npbparams.h mpinpb.h
exchange_5.o: exchange_5.f applu.incl npbparams.h mpinpb.h
exchange_6.o: exchange_6.f applu.incl npbparams.h mpinpb.h
init_comm.o: init_comm.f applu.incl npbparams.h mpinpb.h
jacld.o: jacld.f applu.incl npbparams.h
jacu.o: jacu.f applu.incl npbparams.h
l2norm.o: l2norm.f mpinpb.h timing.h
neighbors.o: neighbors.f applu.incl npbparams.h
nodedim.o: nodedim.f
pintgr.o: pintgr.f applu.incl npbparams.h mpinpb.h
proc_grid.o: proc_grid.f applu.incl npbparams.h
read_input.o: read_input.f applu.incl npbparams.h mpinpb.h
rhs.o: rhs.f applu.incl npbparams.h
setbv.o: setbv.f applu.incl npbparams.h
setiv.o: setiv.f applu.incl npbparams.h
setcoeff.o: setcoeff.f applu.incl npbparams.h
ssor.o: ssor.f applu.incl npbparams.h mpinpb.h
subdomain.o: subdomain.f applu.incl npbparams.h mpinpb.h
verify.o: verify.f applu.incl npbparams.h
- /bin/rm -f npbparams.h
- /bin/rm -f *.o *~