blob: 35282715d066eac5fbc54362bd7a7fa0d3453e15 [file] [log] [blame]
c header.h
implicit none
c The following include file is generated automatically by the
c "setparams" utility. It defines
c maxcells: the square root of the maximum number of processors
c problem_size: 12, 64, 102, 162 (for class T, A, B, C)
c dt_default: default time step for this problem size if no
c config file
c niter_default: default number of iterations for this problem size
include 'npbparams.h'
integer aa, bb, cc, BLOCK_SIZE
parameter (aa=1, bb=2, cc=3, BLOCK_SIZE=5)
integer grid_points(3)
double precision elapsed_time
common /global/ elapsed_time, grid_points, timeron
double precision tx1, tx2, tx3, ty1, ty2, ty3, tz1, tz2, tz3,
> dx1, dx2, dx3, dx4, dx5, dy1, dy2, dy3, dy4,
> dy5, dz1, dz2, dz3, dz4, dz5, dssp, dt,
> ce(5,13), dxmax, dymax, dzmax, xxcon1, xxcon2,
> xxcon3, xxcon4, xxcon5, dx1tx1, dx2tx1, dx3tx1,
> dx4tx1, dx5tx1, yycon1, yycon2, yycon3, yycon4,
> yycon5, dy1ty1, dy2ty1, dy3ty1, dy4ty1, dy5ty1,
> zzcon1, zzcon2, zzcon3, zzcon4, zzcon5, dz1tz1,
> dz2tz1, dz3tz1, dz4tz1, dz5tz1, dnxm1, dnym1,
> dnzm1, c1c2, c1c5, c3c4, c1345, conz1, c1, c2,
> c3, c4, c5, c4dssp, c5dssp, dtdssp, dttx1,
> dttx2, dtty1, dtty2, dttz1, dttz2, c2dttx1,
> c2dtty1, c2dttz1, comz1, comz4, comz5, comz6,
> c3c4tx3, c3c4ty3, c3c4tz3, c2iv, con43, con16
common /constants/ tx1, tx2, tx3, ty1, ty2, ty3, tz1, tz2, tz3,
> dx1, dx2, dx3, dx4, dx5, dy1, dy2, dy3, dy4,
> dy5, dz1, dz2, dz3, dz4, dz5, dssp, dt,
> ce, dxmax, dymax, dzmax, xxcon1, xxcon2,
> xxcon3, xxcon4, xxcon5, dx1tx1, dx2tx1, dx3tx1,
> dx4tx1, dx5tx1, yycon1, yycon2, yycon3, yycon4,
> yycon5, dy1ty1, dy2ty1, dy3ty1, dy4ty1, dy5ty1,
> zzcon1, zzcon2, zzcon3, zzcon4, zzcon5, dz1tz1,
> dz2tz1, dz3tz1, dz4tz1, dz5tz1, dnxm1, dnym1,
> dnzm1, c1c2, c1c5, c3c4, c1345, conz1, c1, c2,
> c3, c4, c5, c4dssp, c5dssp, dtdssp, dttx1,
> dttx2, dtty1, dtty2, dttz1, dttz2, c2dttx1,
> c2dtty1, c2dttz1, comz1, comz4, comz5, comz6,
> c3c4tx3, c3c4ty3, c3c4tz3, c2iv, con43, con16
parameter (IMAX=problem_size,JMAX=problem_size,KMAX=problem_size)
parameter (IMAXP=IMAX/2*2,JMAXP=JMAX/2*2)
c to improve cache performance, grid dimensions padded by 1
c for even number sizes only.
double precision
> us ( 0:IMAXP, 0:JMAXP, 0:KMAX-1),
> vs ( 0:IMAXP, 0:JMAXP, 0:KMAX-1),
> ws ( 0:IMAXP, 0:JMAXP, 0:KMAX-1),
> qs ( 0:IMAXP, 0:JMAXP, 0:KMAX-1),
> rho_i ( 0:IMAXP, 0:JMAXP, 0:KMAX-1),
> square ( 0:IMAXP, 0:JMAXP, 0:KMAX-1),
> forcing (5, 0:IMAXP, 0:JMAXP, 0:KMAX-1),
> u (5, 0:IMAXP, 0:JMAXP, 0:KMAX-1),
> rhs (5, 0:IMAXP, 0:JMAXP, 0:KMAX-1)
common /fields/ u, us, vs, ws, qs, rho_i, square,
> rhs, forcing
double precision cuf(0:problem_size), q (0:problem_size),
> ue (0:problem_size,5), buf(0:problem_size,5)
common /work_1d/ cuf, q, ue, buf
!$omp threadprivate (/work_1d/)
c Timer constants
integer t_rhsx,t_rhsy,t_rhsz,t_xsolve,t_ysolve,t_zsolve,
> t_rdis1,t_rdis2,t_add,
> t_rhs,t_last,t_total
logical timeron
parameter (t_total = 1)
parameter (t_rhsx = 2)
parameter (t_rhsy = 3)
parameter (t_rhsz = 4)
parameter (t_rhs = 5)
parameter (t_xsolve = 6)
parameter (t_ysolve = 7)
parameter (t_zsolve = 8)
parameter (t_rdis1 = 9)
parameter (t_rdis2 = 10)
parameter (t_add = 11)
parameter (t_last = 11)