blob: b8a38eae0a2fd742ab81f32941af604113f2801b [file] [log] [blame]
/****** C _ P R I N T _ R E S U L T S ******/
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef _OPENMP
#include <omp.h>
void c_print_results( char *name,
char class,
int n1,
int n2,
int n3,
int niter,
double t,
double mops,
char *optype,
int passed_verification,
char *npbversion,
char *compiletime,
char *cc,
char *clink,
char *c_lib,
char *c_inc,
char *cflags,
char *clinkflags )
int num_threads, max_threads;
max_threads = 1;
num_threads = 1;
/* figure out number of threads used */
#ifdef _OPENMP
max_threads = omp_get_max_threads();
#pragma omp parallel shared(num_threads)
#pragma omp master
num_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
printf( "\n\n %s Benchmark Completed\n", name );
printf( " Class = %c\n", class );
if( n3 == 0 ) {
long nn = n1;
if ( n2 != 0 ) nn *= n2;
printf( " Size = %12ld\n", nn ); /* as in IS */
printf( " Size = %4dx%4dx%4d\n", n1,n2,n3 );
printf( " Iterations = %12d\n", niter );
printf( " Time in seconds = %12.2f\n", t );
printf( " Total threads = %12d\n", num_threads);
printf( " Avail threads = %12d\n", max_threads);
if (num_threads != max_threads)
printf( " Warning: Threads used differ from threads available\n");
printf( " Mop/s total = %12.2f\n", mops );
printf( " Mop/s/thread = %12.2f\n",
mops/(double)num_threads );
printf( " Operation type = %24s\n", optype);
if( passed_verification < 0 )
printf( " Verification = NOT PERFORMED\n" );
else if( passed_verification )
printf( " Verification = SUCCESSFUL\n" );
printf( " Verification = UNSUCCESSFUL\n" );
printf( " Version = %12s\n", npbversion );
printf( " Compile date = %12s\n", compiletime );
printf( "\n Compile options:\n" );
printf( " CC = %s\n", cc );
printf( " CLINK = %s\n", clink );
printf( " C_LIB = %s\n", c_lib );
printf( " C_INC = %s\n", c_inc );
printf( " CFLAGS = %s\n", cflags );
printf( " CLINKFLAGS = %s\n", clinkflags );
printf( "\n\n" );
printf( " Please send all errors/feedbacks to:\n\n" );
printf( " NPB Development Team\n" );
printf( "\n\n\n" );
/* printf( " Please send the results of this run to:\n\n" );
printf( " NPB Development Team\n" );
printf( " Internet:\n \n" );
printf( " If email is not available, send this to:\n\n" );
printf( " MS T27A-1\n" );
printf( " NASA Ames Research Center\n" );
printf( " Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000\n\n" );
printf( " Fax: 650-604-3957\n\n" ); */