blob: 327026bdb2532342fa52d0807b881a84b1299239 [file] [log] [blame]
# config/suite.def
# This file is used to build several benchmarks with a single command.
# Typing "make suite" in the main directory will build all the benchmarks
# specified in this file.
# Each line of this file contains a benchmark name and the class.
# The name is one of "cg", "is", "dc", "ep", mg", "ft", "sp",
# "bt", "lu", and "ua".
# The class is one of "S", "W", "A" through "E"
# (except that no classes C,D,E for DC and no class E for IS and UA).
# No blank lines.
# The following example builds sample sizes of all benchmarks.
ft S
mg S
sp S
lu S
bt S
is S
ep S
cg S
ua S
dc S