blob: 1851da2966e7063fc64cf5ee28a9bdbfd78473fa [file] [log] [blame]
include 'npbparams.h'
c Cache blocking params. These values are good for most
c RISC processors.
c FFT parameters:
c fftblock controls how many ffts are done at a time.
c The default is appropriate for most cache-based machines
c On vector machines, the FFT can be vectorized with vector
c length equal to the block size, so the block size should
c be as large as possible. This is the size of the smallest
c dimension of the problem: 128 for class A, 256 for class B and
c 512 for class C.
integer fftblock_default, fftblockpad_default,
& CacheSize,BlockMax
parameter (fftblock_default=16,
& fftblockpad_default=18,
& CacheSize=8192,
& BlockMax=32)
integer fftblock, fftblockpad
common /blockinfo/ fftblock, fftblockpad
external timer_read
double precision timer_read
external ilog2
integer ilog2
external randlc
double precision randlc
double complex plane((BlockMax+1)*maxdim),pad(128),
& scr(BlockMax+1,maxdim)
common /workarr/ plane,pad,scr
double precision seed, a, pi, alpha
parameter (seed = 314159265.d0, a = 1220703125.d0,
. pi = 3.141592653589793238d0, alpha=1.0d-6)
c for checksum data
double complex sums(0:niter_default)
common /sumcomm/ sums
logical timers_enabled
common /timerscomm/ timers_enabled