blob: a19dabecce787efa44a54c50bdca680a12ee6126 [file] [log] [blame]
* Created on: Jan 5, 2012
* Author: cferenba
* Copyright (c) 2012, Los Alamos National Security, LLC.
* All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style open-source
* license; see top-level LICENSE file for full license text.
#include "Mesh.hh"
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include "Vec2.hh"
#include "Memory.hh"
#include "InputFile.hh"
#include "GenMesh.hh"
#include "WriteXY.hh"
#include "ExportGold.hh"
using namespace std;
Mesh::Mesh(const InputFile* inp) :
gmesh(NULL), egold(NULL), wxy(NULL) {
chunksize = inp->getInt("chunksize", 0);
if (chunksize < 0) {
cerr << "Error: bad chunksize " << chunksize << endl;
subregion = inp->getDoubleList("subregion", vector<double>());
if (subregion.size() != 0 && subregion.size() != 4) {
cerr << "Error: subregion must have 4 entries" << endl;
gmesh = new GenMesh(inp);
wxy = new WriteXY(this);
egold = new ExportGold(this);
Mesh::~Mesh() {
delete gmesh;
delete wxy;
delete egold;
void Mesh::init() {
// read mesh from gmv file
vector<double2> nodepos;
vector<int> cellstart, cellsize, cellnodes;
vector<int> masterpes, mastercounts, slavepoints;
vector<int> slavepes, slavecounts, masterpoints;
gmesh->generate(nodepos, cellstart, cellsize, cellnodes,
masterpes, mastercounts, slavepoints,
slavepes, slavecounts, masterpoints);
nump = nodepos.size();
numz = cellstart.size();
nums = cellnodes.size();
// copy node positions to mesh, apply scaling factor
px = Memory::alloc<double2>(nump);
copy(nodepos.begin(), nodepos.end(), px);
// copy cell sizes to mesh
znump = Memory::alloc<int>(numz);
copy(cellsize.begin(), cellsize.end(), znump);
// populate maps:
// use the cell* arrays to populate the side maps
initSides(cellstart, cellsize, cellnodes);
// release memory from cell* arrays
// now populate other maps using side maps
// populate chunk information
// write mesh statistics
// allocate remaining arrays
ex = Memory::alloc<double2>(nume);
zx = Memory::alloc<double2>(numz);
sarea = Memory::alloc<double>(nums);
svol = Memory::alloc<double>(nums);
carea = Memory::alloc<double>(numc);
cvol = Memory::alloc<double>(numc);
zarea = Memory::alloc<double>(numz);
zvol = Memory::alloc<double>(numz);
smf = Memory::alloc<double>(nums);
// do a few initial calculations
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int ch = 0; ch < numsch; ++ch) {
int sfirst = schsfirst[ch];
int slast = schslast[ch];
calcCtrs(px, ex, zx, sfirst, slast);
calcVols(px, zx, sarea, svol, carea, cvol, zarea, zvol,
sfirst, slast);
calcSideFracs(sarea, zarea, smf, sfirst, slast);
void Mesh::initSides(
const std::vector<int>& cellstart,
const std::vector<int>& cellsize,
const std::vector<int>& cellnodes) {
mapsp1 = Memory::alloc<int>(nums);
mapsp2 = Memory::alloc<int>(nums);
mapsz = Memory::alloc<int>(nums);
mapss3 = Memory::alloc<int>(nums);
mapss4 = Memory::alloc<int>(nums);
for (int z = 0; z < numz; ++z) {
int sbase = cellstart[z];
int size = cellsize[z];
for (int n = 0; n < size; ++n) {
int s = sbase + n;
int snext = sbase + (n + 1 == size ? 0 : n + 1);
int slast = sbase + (n == 0 ? size : n) - 1;
mapsz[s] = z;
mapsp1[s] = cellnodes[s];
mapsp2[s] = cellnodes[snext];
mapss3[s] = slast;
mapss4[s] = snext;
} // for n
} // for z
void Mesh::initEdges() {
vector<vector<int> > edgepp(nump), edgepe(nump);
mapse = Memory::alloc<int>(nums);
// nums = upper bound for number of edges
mapep1 = Memory::alloc<int>(nums);
mapep2 = Memory::alloc<int>(nums);
int e = 0;
for (int s = 0; s < nums; ++s) {
int p1 = min(mapsp1[s], mapsp2[s]);
int p2 = max(mapsp1[s], mapsp2[s]);
vector<int>& vpp = edgepp[p1];
vector<int>& vpe = edgepe[p1];
int i = find(vpp.begin(), vpp.end(), p2) - vpp.begin();
if (i == vpp.size()) {
// (p, p2) isn't in the edge list - add it
mapep1[e] = p1;
mapep2[e] = p2;
mapse[s] = vpe[i];
} // for s
nume = e;
void Mesh::initCorners() {
numc = nums;
mapcz = Memory::alloc<int>(numc);
mapcp = Memory::alloc<int>(numc);
mapsc1 = Memory::alloc<int>(nums);
mapsc2 = Memory::alloc<int>(nums);
for (int s = 0; s < nums; ++s) {
int c = s;
int c2 = mapss4[s];
mapsc1[s] = c;
mapsc2[s] = c2;
mapcz[c] = mapsz[s];
mapcp[c] = mapsp1[s];
void Mesh::initChunks() {
// check for bad chunksize
if (chunksize <= 0) {
cerr << "Error: bad chunksize " << chunksize << endl;
cerr << "Exiting..." << endl;
// compute side chunks
// use 'chunksize' for maximum chunksize; decrease as needed
// to ensure that no zone has its sides split across chunk
// boundaries
int s1, s2 = 0;
while (s2 < nums) {
s1 = s2;
s2 = min(s2 + chunksize, nums);
while (s2 < nums && mapsz[s2] == mapsz[s2-1])
schzlast.push_back(mapsz[s2-1] + 1);
numsch = schsfirst.size();
// compute point chunks
int p1, p2 = 0;
while (p2 < nump) {
p1 = p2;
p2 = min(p2 + chunksize, nump);
numpch = pchpfirst.size();
void Mesh::writeStats() {
cout << "--- Mesh Information ---" << endl;
cout << "Points: " << nump << endl;
cout << "Zones: " << numz << endl;
cout << "Sides: " << nums << endl;
cout << "Edges: " << nume << endl;
cout << "Side chunks: " << numsch << endl;
cout << "Point chunks: " << numpch << endl;
cout << "Chunk size: " << chunksize << endl;
cout << "------------------------" << endl;
void Mesh::write(
const string& probname,
const int cycle,
const double time,
const double* zr,
const double* ze,
const double* zp) {
wxy->write(probname, zr, ze, zp);
egold->write(probname, cycle, time, zr, ze, zp);
void Mesh::calcCtrs(
const double2* px,
double2* ex,
double2* zx,
const int sfirst,
const int slast) {
int zfirst = mapsz[sfirst];
int zlast = (slast < nums ? mapsz[slast] : numz);
fill(&zx[zfirst], &zx[zlast], double2(0., 0.));
for (int s = sfirst; s < slast; ++s) {
int p1 = mapsp1[s];
int p2 = mapsp2[s];
int e = mapse[s];
int z = mapsz[s];
ex[e] = 0.5 * (px[p1] + px[p2]);
zx[z] += px[p1] / (double) znump[z];
void Mesh::calcVols(
const double2* px,
const double2* zx,
double* sarea,
double* svol,
double* carea,
double* cvol,
double* zarea,
double* zvol,
const int sfirst,
const int slast) {
int cfirst = sfirst;
int clast = slast;
int zfirst = mapsz[sfirst];
int zlast = (slast < nums ? mapsz[slast] : numz);
fill(&cvol[cfirst], &cvol[clast], 0.);
fill(&carea[cfirst], &carea[clast], 0.);
fill(&zvol[zfirst], &zvol[zlast], 0.);
fill(&zarea[zfirst], &zarea[zlast], 0.);
int nserr = 0;
for (int s = sfirst; s < slast; ++s) {
int p1 = mapsp1[s];
int p2 = mapsp2[s];
int z = mapsz[s];
// compute side volumes, sum to zone
double sa = 0.5 * cross(px[p2] - px[p1], zx[z] - px[p1]);
double sv = sa * (px[p1].x + px[p2].x + zx[z].x) / 3.;
sarea[s] = sa;
svol[s] = sv;
zarea[z] += sa;
zvol[z] += sv;
// check for negative side volumes
if (sv <= 0.) nserr += 1;
int c1 = mapsc1[s];
int c2 = mapsc2[s];
// sum side volumes to corners
double hsa = 0.5 * sa;
double ex = 0.5 * (px[p1].x + px[p2].x);
double hsv1 = hsa * (px[p1].x + zx[z].x + ex) / 3.;
double hsv2 = hsa * (px[p2].x + zx[z].x + ex) / 3.;
carea[c1] += hsa;
carea[c2] += hsa;
cvol[c1] += hsv1;
cvol[c2] += hsv2;
} // for s
// if there were negative side volumes, error exit
if (nserr > 0) {
cerr << "Error: " << nserr << " negative side volumes" << endl;
cerr << "Exiting..." << endl;
void Mesh::calcSideFracs(
const double* sarea,
const double* zarea,
double* smf,
const int sfirst,
const int slast) {
for (int s = sfirst; s < slast; ++s) {
int z = mapsz[s];
smf[s] = sarea[s] / zarea[z];