blob: 06dcfeaad7a518dd5cd1fbf58f8108d2e0124144 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Writes a rectangular gmv mesh with user-specified dimensions
import sys
def usage():
print "Usage: NZX [NZY [LENX [LENY]]]"
print "where nzx, nzy = number of zones in x, y directions"
print " (no default for nzx; default nzy = nzx)"
print " lenx, leny = total length in x, y directions"
print " (default for both = 1.0)"
def writecoords(file, np, x):
for i in range(np):
if i % 10 == 0: s = " "
s += "%16.8E" % x[i]
if (i % 10 == 9) or (i == np - 1): file.write("%s\n" % s)
nargs = len(sys.argv)
nzx = 0
nzy = 0
lenx = 1.0
leny = 1.0
if nargs < 2 or nargs > 5: usage()
nzx = int(sys.argv[1])
nzy = nzx
if nargs > 2: nzy = int(sys.argv[2])
if nargs > 3: lenx = float(sys.argv[3])
if nargs > 4: leny = float(sys.argv[4])
if nzx <= 0 or nzy <= 0 or lenx <= 0. or leny <= 0.: usage()
nz = nzx * nzy
npx = nzx + 1
npy = nzy + 1
np = npx * npy
filename = "rect%dx%d.gmv" % (nzx, nzy)
file = open(filename, "w")
# write header
file.write("gmvinput ascii\n")
# write node header
file.write("nodes %9d\n" % np)
# write node coordinates
x = np * [0]
y = np * [0]
ijtop = np * [0]
for n in range(np):
i = n % npx
j = n / npx
x[n] = (lenx * float(i) / nzx)
y[n] = (leny * float(j) / nzy)
ijtop[j * npx + i] = n
writecoords(file, np, x)
writecoords(file, np, y)
writecoords(file, np, np * [0])
# write cell header
file.write("cells %9d\n" % nz)
# write cells
ztop = nz * [[]]
for n in range(nz):
i = n % nzx
j = n / nzx
# +1 is to convert from 0-based to 1-based
p0 = ijtop[j * npx + i] + 1
p1 = ijtop[j * npx + (i+1)] + 1
p2 = ijtop[(j+1) * npx + (i+1)] + 1
p3 = ijtop[(j+1) * npx + i] + 1
ztop[n] = [p0, p1, p2, p3]
for n in range(nz):
file.write(" general 1\n")
file.write(" 4\n")
pl = ztop[n]
file.write(" %9d %9d %9d %9d\n" % (pl[0], pl[1], pl[2], pl[3]))
# write end-of-file marker
print "Wrote %s" % filename