blob: 54c960236d542f26fd9dfbbf88f9baa35379ad9c [file] [log] [blame]
// See LICENSE for license details.
// Vector-vector add benchmark
// Author : Andrew Waterman
// TA : Christopher Celio
// Student :
// This benchmark adds two vectors and writes the results to a
// third vector. The input data (and reference data) should be
// generated using the perl script and dumped
// to a file named dataset.h
// Includes
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Input/Reference Data
#include "dataset.h"
// Basic Utilities and Multi-thread Support
#include "util.h"
// vvadd function
extern void __attribute__((noinline)) vvadd(int coreid, int ncores, size_t n, const data_t* x, const data_t* y, data_t* z);
// Main
// all threads start executing thread_entry(). Use their "coreid" to
// differentiate between threads (each thread is running on a separate core).
void thread_entry(int cid, int nc)
// static allocates data in the binary, which is visible to both threads
static data_t results_data[DATA_SIZE];
// First do out-of-place vvadd
stats(vvadd(cid, nc, DATA_SIZE, input1_data, input2_data, results_data); barrier(nc), DATA_SIZE);
if(cid == 0) {
int res = verifyDouble(DATA_SIZE, results_data, verify_data);
if(res) exit(res);
// Second do in-place vvadd
// Copying input
size_t i;
if(cid == 0) {
for (i = 0; i < DATA_SIZE; i++)
results_data[i] = input1_data[i];
stats(vvadd(cid, nc, DATA_SIZE, results_data, input2_data, results_data); barrier(nc), DATA_SIZE);
if(cid == 0) {
int res = verifyDouble(DATA_SIZE, results_data, verify_data);
if(res) exit(res);