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Parallel Halo Finder Operation
The test driver for the parallel halo finder is HaloTestP.cxx. The basic
operation of the parallel halo finder is to take input data of particle
location, velocity, mass and tag identifier and distribute the particles on
processors such that the particles are completely partitioned. These are
called the alive particles belonging to a processor. Each processor will
share information so that particles which are alive on a neighbor processor
are added to a processor becoming dead particles there. By definition the
belt of dead particles will be all particles which can comprise a halo.
Once each processor has both alive and dead particles, the serial halo finder
is called and will return all halos found on that processor. A halo will
contain only alive particles, in which case it is owned by the processor,
or only dead particles and it will be discarded because it will belong to
one of the neighbor processors. A halo might contain a combination of
alive and dead particles and this mixed halo will be shared by one or
more neighbor processors.
The parallel halo finder must merge these mixed halos before giving the
results. When a particle is assigned to a processor it has a status which
can be ALIVE, or DEAD. The dead particles are actually given a status of
0 through 26 to indicate which neighbor processor contains that particle
as alive. When the serial halo finder completes and halos are looked at,
a mixed halo will also know what neighbors share it. A simple rule using
the planes of the neighbor allows most mixed halos to be categorized
immediately. If the neigbor sharing the halo is in the "upper" planes
of the physical space (right, top and back planes of x,y,z) then this
processor will keep the halo as its own. Conversely if the neighbor sharing
the halo is in the "lower" planes (left, bottom, front) then it will delete
that halo, knowing the the neighbor will claim it. Any other halos which
cross planes or are contain in more that one other neighbor are gathered
up and sent to the master processor who arbitrates which processor will
claim the halo and which will give it up.
Input Files
The halo finder takes two styles of input. The first is the .cosmo format
which is called RECORD format. Each particle has seven 4 byte floats
(x location, x velocity, y location, y velocity, z location, z velocity,
mass (which is 1.0)) and one 4 byte integer which is the unique particle
identifier which starts with 1.
The second format is the Gadget style which is called BLOCK. In this file
there is a header of 256 bytes and which is described in Definition.h.
It is followed by three blocks of data. The first has 4 byte floats for
each particle's x,y,z location. Note that particle 0 is written but since
particles start with identifier 1, these first three floats are ignored.
Next is a block with x,y,z velocity and again the first three floats
must be ignored. Finally a block of 4 byte integer tag identifiers with
the first tag ignored.
Methods of Input
Data files can either contain only the alive particles for a processor or
a mixture of particles such that each processor must read each file to
obtain its alive particles. In the first case the processor only has
to read one file, and then can do an exchange of dead particles with
immediate neighbor processors which is done in rotation. All processors
send right face neighbor particles to the right, and receive from the left,
and then the reverse is done. With 26 of these rotations all neighbors will
get dead particles and every processor has something to do on each step
of the rotation so that the MPI Send/Receive works.
In the second case since every file has to be read and then MPI messages
containing the particles are created and passed round robin so that
every processor has a chance to choose its own alive particles. After
this the same particle exchange is done to populate the dead particles.
Output Files
The .cosmo files are written again as output, but with the mass field
replaced by the mass * the number of particles in the halo. Only the
first particle in a halo contains that accumulated mass. Every other
particle in the halo reports the tag identifier of that first particle
so that you can tell what particles make up a halo. If the mass is -1
that means the particle is not in any halo. An additional file per
processor is written with the identifier and size of every halo on that
processor and is used by the BinHalos.cxx program to create a histogram.
C++ Classes
Five classes are available for use.
"Partition" is a static class which does the MPI initialize and finalize and
which creates the Cartesian topology of the problem and identifies this
processor within the topology and all of its neighbors in the topology.
"ParticleDistribute" does the reading of files for either ROUND_ROBIN or
ONE_TO_ONE and in both cases the final result has only alive particles.
The round robin read is complicated because of the MPI message passing.
Since there can be fewer files than processors, if they can be divided
nicely as in 8 files across 32 processors, then four processors read the
8 files and distribute in four ROUND_ROBIN loops. If there are fewer
processors than files, then many loops of read will happen although the
final loop may have some processors participating in the exchange which
did not initially read any data and will just be passing buffers of 0 particles.
The one to one read assumes that files have only alive particles and have
been laid out in the same topology that MPI Cartesian topology will use.
This is a preamble to simply passing alive particles in memory.
"ParticleExchange" does the exchange with nearest neighbors using either
the vectors from ParticleDistribute or from some other initializer which
contain only alive particles. When it exits the vectors have both alive
and dead particles in it.
"CosmoHaloFinderP" takes the information from either ParticleDistribute or
ParticleExchange, normalizes the locations, and calls the serial
halo finder. It collects the results, merges the mixed halos and writes
halo output.
"CosmoHaloFinder" is the serial halo finder and can operate on its own using
HaloTest.cxx as a driver.
Command Line Arguments
An input file format was devised and is read by the class HaloFinderInput.
Examples for BLOCK and COSMO formats are in and
# Header version information
# Input base name ending in '.' if followed by processor id
INPUT_BASE_NAME /Users/pkf/Cosmo.files/gadget_sb256.cosmo.
# Input data style (RECORD = .cosmo) (BLOCK = .gadget2)
# Particle distribution style
# ROUND_ROBIN indicates particles must be looked at by all processors
# ONE_TO_ONE indicates that particles physically reside on matchin processor
# Output base name
# Box size (rL)
# Overload zone size (dead zone)
# Number of particles in all files (np^3)
# Minimum distance between particles in a halo (bb)
# Minimum number of particles in a halo (pmin)
# Omega dm
# Hubble constant
# Deut
DEUT 0.0
# Output all particle data with mass field replaced by halo tag
# Output the halo catalog of one entry per halo (.cosmo and ascii format)
# Output FOF halo properties report (ascii)
Sample Command Lines
mpirun -np 8 HaloFinder
mpirun -np 8 HaloFinder
Compile, Load and Run
Modules to load must include a c++ compile and MPI.
% make HaloFinder will compile.