blob: ab0d025a7cf7e70b447d730a2d897454fb9f2f88 [file] [log] [blame]
# See LICENSE for license details.
# lrsr.S
# Test LR/SC instructions.
#include "riscv_test.h"
#include "test_macros.h"
# get a unique core id
la a0, coreid
li a1, 1
amoadd.w a2, a1, (a0)
# for now, only run this on core 0
1:li a3, 1
bgeu a2, a3, 1b
1: lw a1, (a0)
bltu a1, a3, 1b
# make sure that sc without a reservation fails.
TEST_CASE( 2, a4, 1, \
la a0, foo; \
li a5, 0xdeadbeef; \
sc.w a4, a5, (a0); \
# make sure the failing sc did not commit into memory
TEST_CASE( 3, a4, 0, \
lw a4, foo; \
# Disable test case 4 for now. It assumes a <1K reservation granule, when
# in reality any size granule is valid. After discussion in issue #315,
# decided to simply disable the test for now.
# (See
## make sure that sc with the wrong reservation fails.
## TODO is this actually mandatory behavior?
#TEST_CASE( 4, a4, 1, \
# la a0, foo; \
# la a1, fooTest3; \
# lr.w a1, (a1); \
# sc.w a4, a1, (a0); \
# have each core add its coreid+1 to foo 1024 times
la a0, foo
addi a2, a2, 1
1: lr.w a4, (a0)
add a4, a4, a2
sc.w a4, a4, (a0)
bnez a4, 1b
add a1, a1, -1
bnez a1, 1b
# wait for all cores to finish
la a0, barrier
li a1, 1
amoadd.w x0, a1, (a0)
1: lw a1, (a0)
blt a1, a3, 1b
# expected result is 512*ncores*(ncores+1)
TEST_CASE( 5, a0, 0, \
lw a0, foo; \
slli a1, a3, LOG_ITERATIONS-1; \
1:sub a0, a0, a1; \
addi a3, a3, -1; \
bgez a3, 1b
# make sure that sc-after-successful-sc fails.
TEST_CASE( 6, a1, 2, \
la a0, foo; \
1:lr.w a1, (a0); \
sc.w a1, x0, (a0); \
bnez a1, 1b; \
sc.w a1, x0, (a0); \
/* make sure that sc-after-failed-sc fails, too */ \
sc.w a2, x0, (a0); \
add a1, a1, a2
coreid: .word 0
barrier: .word 0
foo: .word 0
.skip 1024
fooTest3: .word 0