blob: 283a988a3d442f86b485b5cd3fc2d0a70d055377 [file] [log] [blame]
# Simple assignments (with bad formatting, as an additional test)
# Should become recursive
whitespaced = foo
# Simple += test. += should preserve the flavor of the variable (simple vs.
# recursive).
preserve-recursive = foo
preserve-recursive += bar
preserve-immediate := foo
preserve-immediate += bar
# Recursive substitution
recursive = $(foo) $(bar) $($(b-char)a$(z-char))
recursive += $(indir)
foo = abc
bar = def
baz = ghi
b-char = b
z-char = z
indir = jkl $(indir-2)
indir-2 = mno
# Immediate substitution
def = foo
immediate := $(undef)$(def)$(undef)$(def)
def = bar
undef = bar
# Function calls
# Chained function call
quote = "$(1)" "$(2)"
rev-quote = $(quote,$(2),$(1))
surround-rev-quote = $(0) $(rev-quote,$(1),$(2)) $(0)
surround-rev-quote-unused-arg = $(surround-rev-quote,$(1),$(2)) $(3)
# No value is passed for $(3), so it expands to nothing
fn-indir = surround-rev-quote
messy-fn-res = $($(fn-indir)-unused-arg, a b (,) , c d )
# Special characters in function call
comma = ,
right-paren = )
dollar = $
left-paren = (
fn = "$(1)"
special-chars-fn-res = $(fn,$(comma)$(dollar)$(left-paren)foo$(right-paren))
# Variable expansions in various locations (verified by checking how the symbol
# prints)
qaz = QAZ
echo = $(1)
ignore-first = $(2)
config PRINT_ME
string "$(ENV_1)" if ($(echo,FOO) && $(echo,BAR)) || !$(echo,BAZ) || !(($(qaz)))
default "$(echo,"foo")" if "foo $(echo,"bar") baz" = "$(undefined)"
# Expansion within a symbol token, with deliberate sloppiness
config PRINT_$(ignore-first, ,ME)_TOO
bool "foo"
default FOO$(ignore-first, ,BAR)BAZ$(qaz) if $(qaz)&&$(qaz)FOO&&x$(ignore-first, ,xx)
# Recursive expansion (throws an exception)
rec-1 = x $(rec-2) y
rec-2 = x $(rec-3) y
rec-3 = x $(rec-1) y
# Functions are allowed to reference themselves, but an exception is thrown if
# the function seems to be stuck (the recursion gets too deep)
safe-fn-rec = $($(1))
safe-fn-rec-2 = $(safe-fn-rec,safe-fn-rec-3)
safe-fn-rec-3 = foo
safe-fn-rec-res = $(safe-fn-rec,safe-fn-rec-2)
unsafe-fn-rec = $(unsafe-fn-rec,$(1))
# Expansion in the left-hand side of assignments
dummy-arg-fn = bar
lhs-indir-1 = lhs-indir-2
lhs-indir-2 = -baz
rhs = value
# LHS expands to foo-bar-baz
foo-$(dummy-arg-fn, ignored argument )$($(lhs-indir-1)) = $(rhs)
# Expands to empty string, accepted
# Variable with a space in its name
empty =
space = $(empty) $(empty)
foo$(space)bar = value
space-var-res = $(foo bar)
# Built-in functions
# Expands to "baz qaz"
shell-res = $(shell,false && echo foo bar || echo baz qaz)
# Warns about output on stderr, expands to nothing
shell-stderr-res := $(shell,echo message on stderr >&2)
# Nested parens in macro call. Should give a single argument. Test it with
# $(shell) to get a free argument number check.
parens-res = pre-$(shell,echo '(a,$(b-char),(c,d),e)')-post
# Expands to the current location
location-res := $(filename):$(lineno)
# Adds one warning, expands to nothing
$(warning-if,,no warning)
$(warning-if,n,no warning)
warning-res := $(warning-if,y,a warning)
# Does not cause an error, expands to nothing
error-n-res := $(error-if,n,oops)
# Causes an error when expanded
error-y-res = $(error-if,y,oops)
# Environment variables (for testing Kconfig.env_vars). ENV_1 is already
# referenced above.
env_ref_1 := xxx $(ENV_2) xxx
env_ref_2 := $(shell,echo $(ENV_3))
env_ref_3 :=
env_ref_3 += $(ENV_4)
source "$(ENV_6)"
env_ref_4 = $(ENV_7) # Never evaluated