blob: 792ba361f722fbc7a830ea935cad26c497557df8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
minversion = 3.10
norecursedirs = test_* extra_*
xfail_strict = True
addopts =
# show summary of tests
# capture only Python print and C++ py::print, but not C output (low-level Python errors)
# Show local info when a failure occurs
log_cli_level = info
filterwarnings =
# make warnings into errors but ignore certain third-party extension issues
# somehow, some DeprecationWarnings do not get turned into errors
# importing scipy submodules on some version of Python
# bogus numpy ABI warning (see numpy/#432)
ignore:.*numpy.dtype size changed.*:RuntimeWarning
ignore:.*numpy.ufunc size changed.*:RuntimeWarning